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Pale GBA


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I originally posted this under the Catfish forum but haven't had any response there, so I've moved it here......

We have had 2 GBAs for about 7 weeks now. Initially they were both exactly the same size and colour but now appear quite different. One is particularly pale compared to the other and does not seem to be growing at the same rate. Last night we thought it had died as it was lying on a 45 degree angle from its back but just as I got out the net to scoop it, it rolled over and took off. It is still grooming the tank and they get 1/2 a pleco pellet morning and night. Last week I dropped in a shelled pea and they both loved it.

I'm worried that the pale one is not growing at the same rate and doesn't seem to feed from the pellets as much as the other. The other one is definitely more dominant and will see off any other fish that have a go at it's food or territory. Is different colour and growth rate normal?

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white GBAs indicate weakness and will most likely die. Sorry to put it so bluntly, but as a breeder it's an indicator sign. Your tank could have water problems or it could have just ended up ill. These things happen, best of luck nursing your wee fella.

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white GBAs indicate illness and will most likely die. Sorry to put it so bluntly, but as a breeder it's an indicator sign. Your tank could have water problems or it could have just ended up ill. These things happen, best of luck nursing your wee fella.

yep same here, if there is a pale one in the group they usually grow a lot slower and never makes it.

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We are testing the water weekly and it is always fine. They were both the same colour to start with but it is now more of a light golden yellow than bright gold, not white. It's still swimming around happily cleaning the tank and plants but just doesn't seem that interested in the pellets or peas. It is pooing though, so it must be getting some food. :-?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still alive and kicking, thanks for asking. The 'big' GBA is nearly twice the size now and definitely a male as little bristles are becoming obvious. The smaller one doesn't show any bristles yet but we suspect it may be a male as well. I now have some driftwood in the tank as I don't see the small one eat any pellet. Fingers crossed that it will continue to grow, however slowly.

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