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Sick FIsh.. maybe..


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Hi there

I wonder if anyone could help with a diagonosis for my sick golden barb. It appears lethargic and is usually head standing in the corner of the tank, also the anus of the red appears red and inflamed. Still feeding but spending most of the time in the corner.

Tank is a 180 litre currently with golden barbs, tiger barbs and some goldfish. I have just performed a 30% water change and tested water quality nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are all zero. Any suggestions?

A few days earlier my male tiger barb was acting peculiar, with small twitchy jerky moments and racing across the tank at high speeds. He appears better today but not 100%, previously was spawning happily with his mate.

Today ive just noticed a rosy barb is doing something similar. and my tiger barb has turned a very dark colour. he was jerking around a few days ago, but seems to be more normal.

Any advice, i cant see any white spots, so dont think its ich, but i did see the golden barb rub against some drift wood and the gravel once or twice, but he hasnt repeated it. Could it be velvet? not sure what to do, i have tonic salt and white spot cure on hand, but have never used either..


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has anything been sprayed round house fly spray , air freshner etc..

No, there has been nothing..

The golden barb is looking better at the moment, its moving around and seems to ebe "normal" but the rosy barb has taken is place and now sits in the back corner near the heater not doing much. the tiger barb is still a very dark colour.. the other fish in the tank seem fine..

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how many off each fish do you have ? do you have a pic ?

do you use water conditioner with water change?

1 comet

5 fan tails

2 golden barbs

3 rosy barbs

2 tiger barbs

3 danios

1 bn

have drift wood and some javafern.

180L tank with a cf1200 canister filter.

I do use water conditioner ( aqua plus) but not with every water change, we are in chch so figure the water is pretty good and conditioner isnt really required?

Have never used tonic salt or white spot cure in the tank, but wondered if some tonic salt might help?

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Just a quick question, what is the temp of the tank?

its quite consistantly around 26c. Everyone else looks fine. the ones that have not been looking so good do look a bit better, so not sure if im being over reactive. Just the general behaviour has been up and down for a couple of the different barbs.

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I noted you said the fishes anus was red \inflamed?This is a good indication of a bacterial infection.I would follow the intructions on your salts and give him a bath.Also any other fish that are showing symptoms as you dont want it spreading.It is possable that due to spawning he has become a little stressed.Golden barbs are usally pretty hardy fish but can be suceptible to bacterial infections. hope this helps ,,,I will do some research and get back to you on it..

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thanks for the advice, all the fish are looking better today, the golden barbs anus doesn't appear inflamed as it was the other day. Should i still add tonic salt as a precautionary measure, is it likely to have any adverse effects?

Also i don't know if i'm being paranoid but now i'm wondering about my other tank. This tank (300L) has about 20 tetras, a rainbow shark, 2 3 spot gouramis, 2 honey gouramis, a golden ram, 3 BN, 4 corydora and about 6 mollies. this morning i saw my honey flash once and later tonight my golden ram did the same thing. i haven't seen either of them do it again, but am wondering if there could be some form of contamination from the other tank. everyone looks fine, no white spots that i can see, but i am wondering about adding tonic salt though i have heard corys don't like salt at all. Maybe i should just watch and wait? I also have 4 3 week old tiger barb fry in a hatchery and don't want to add tonic salt/white spot cure if it likely to harm them. Any thoughts?

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An update : I have noticed gill inflammation on a few of the fish including the golden barb. I did a 30% water change the day before yesterday and they seemed better, however yesterday I again saw the flicking from the barb. No evidence of white spots as yet. Im starting to think maybe its a bacterial infection? Symptoms im seeing are

Gill Inflammation



Also my partner and i have noticed that we have both had itchy hands after having our hands in the tank, would this be a sign of bacterial infection in the tank? If so what would be the best steps.

To top it off the centre brace in my Rio 300 snapped last night with a loud bang causing the front of the tank to bow slightly. Its being held in place with a piece of wood with poles on the outside of the tank to prevent it from bowing. Ahh the joys.

Any advice appreciated

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gill inflamation and scratching sounds like flukes to me. few things to treat them, the gentler one costs quite a bit but doesnt harm bio filters (praziquantel) but there are a few other harsh ones out there that will do the trick (and nail your bio filters too).

the thing about flukes is the tank theyre in needs to be treated as the babies are waterborne- or so im told- which is why its probably best to try find something that wont harm your bio filter but if all else fails something like formalin or potassium permangante will do the trick. they are pretty harsh though, when i treated with PP i sat by the tank for the full 5 hour duration of treatment (yes whole five hours) because things can go wrong so quickly and if you arent vigilant enough you can wind up with a tank full of dead fish.

there are many other methods and quite a few medications others will/may use, the above is just off the top of my head :)

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gill inflamation and scratching sounds like flukes to me. few things to treat them, the gentler one costs quite a bit but doesnt harm bio filters (praziquantel) but there are a few other harsh ones out there that will do the trick (and nail your bio filters too).

the thing about flukes is the tank theyre in needs to be treated as the babies are waterborne- or so im told- which is why its probably best to try find something that wont harm your bio filter but if all else fails something like formalin or potassium permangante will do the trick. they are pretty harsh though, when i treated with PP i sat by the tank for the full 5 hour duration of treatment (yes whole five hours) because things can go wrong so quickly and if you arent vigilant enough you can wind up with a tank full of dead fish.

there are many other methods and quite a few medications others will/may use, the above is just off the top of my head :)

Thanks for that advice.. now to try and find something that wont harm the media. Did you find anything at a LFS aside from PP?, which to be honest scares me as im just a beginner to all of this.. Would i be able to see the fluke in the water or is it microscopic?

Thanks again

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if your handy with a little sharp object, holding fish and taking gill scrapings you could have a look under a microscope :lol: normally its the pros that do that sorta stuff, im too woosy to try it myself!

I had to obtain PP from a friend as the pharmacy didnt stock it.

Im not too up on other possible treatments for flukes other than prazi (its the most common and pretty safe so thats why i went with that when i treated for flukes), a google may turn up some useful info?

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Im not too up on other possible treatments for flukes other than prazi (its the most common and pretty safe so thats why i went with that when i treated for flukes), a google may turn up some useful info?

were you able to buy prazi at a shop? or is it a special medication? thanks for the help

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