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Bumblebee Gobies


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How are bumblebee gobies in a community tank? any special requirements? :-? Are they nippy/aggresive :x .?

Fish in Tank:

3 discus (small)

4 cardinals (down from 20 (angel))

4 Harlequins

6 Black phantoms

2 blue emperor tetras

1 long finned danio (down from 5)

1 rummy nose (down from 5 (angel))

1 baby bristlenose

Thanks :D

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I had a bumblebee goby til about 4 weeks ago. Came home after a night away (hence was late feeding the fish) and he had just vanished! Lid was down so he couldn't have jumped out. I suspect another fish (impatient coz feeding didn't happen on schedule) ate him. Poor wee guy. I suspect either the gouramis or black widows? Make sure he has plenty of places to hide when he is small.

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