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Do male gouramis attack other fish??


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Our male gourami (the only gourami in our tank) has been very territorial right from the start and hassled the 2 females we had , now that they have gone he has been hassling our rainbow tetra.

Both fish have sores on them which i am trying to figure if they are war wounds or disease, i have added melafix to the tank.

The tetra has 3 small fleshy sores and the gourami has 5.

I have seperated the tetra as he had hidden himself behind the heater and isnt looking that good, he is also breathing very fast.

I am wondering if the gourami has been chasing him around in the night??

The water ph is stable at 7.0, nitrite nil, ammonia nil. Temp 27C.

Any ideas, i am also feeding them all medicated food for hex, which seems to be working well, but its since then too that the rainbow has been a bit off. Sorry for all the questions.

Also when i feed him he is very keen but takes food in and then spits it out again.

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I am wondering if the gourami has been chasing him around in the night??

[this hapenes with my gourami he might want to breed (even though there are no females arround) have any bubbles appeared at the surface?

Also when i feed him he is very keen but takes food in and then spits it out again.

mine also did this for the first few weeks after i got him but then it stopped i dont really know the cause.....

how long have you had your gourami

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[this hapenes with my gourami he might want to breed (even though there are no females arround) have any bubbles appeared at the surface?

mine also did this for the first few weeks after i got him but then it stopped i dont really know the cause.....

how long have you had your gourami

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what other fish do you have in the tank??

I have dwarf and gold gourami and find them to be peaceful fish - the fish in my tank that goes the gourami is a male sword, and they are in with dwarf cichlids.

We have got neons, a rainbow tetra, 2 bristlenoses and 3 rummy nose tetras.

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When my male dwarf gourami had flesh wounds, I didn't need to treat, I montiored him and he came right on his own accord, the only time I have known them to chase other fish is when they are building a bubble nest, they keep others away from the area, but even then they are not aggessive, just don't want anyone to destroy there work.

I would suggest keeping an eye on all of your fish - try and work out who is hassling who as I have had no experience with tetras.

I have heard of gourami's not being the "best" strains in NZ but have breed the dwarfs and find them great little fish.

When you said that you had female gourami's were they silver/grey, as females are hard to find - most petshops aren't able to get them in as they aren't colourful so the importers don't bring them in.

I am local in Wainuiomata so if you are still having problems, give me a pm with your phone number - or pm me for mine and we can discuss further if you wish.

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When my male dwarf gourami had flesh wounds, I didn't need to treat, I montiored him and he came right on his own accord, the only time I have known them to chase other fish is when they are building a bubble nest, they keep others away from the area, but even then they are not aggessive, just don't want anyone to destroy there work.

I would suggest keeping an eye on all of your fish - try and work out who is hassling who as I have had no experience with tetras.

I have heard of gourami's not being the "best" strains in NZ but have breed the dwarfs and find them great little fish.

When you said that you had female gourami's were they silver/grey, as females are hard to find - most petshops aren't able to get them in as they aren't colourful so the importers don't bring them in.

I am local in Wainuiomata so if you are still having problems, give me a pm with your phone number - or pm me for mine and we can discuss further if you wish.

No these were a light blue and had a slight banding aswel, maybe they were young males, they looked different to my male though.

Maybe i need to go on a quest for some females?? Thanks for your advice.

He really used to chase them around all the time and i think the stress of that caused the hexamita to come to life and they died. I do like the gouramis and would like to have some more, but not if he is going to attack them, maybe i could give it another go with some known females and if he is naughty look at rehoming them (or him).

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I love gouramis, and have four at the moment with minimal probs, just a bit of chasing each other. They live in a four ft tank with angels, serpae tetras, some bolivian rams and some fighters.

but I did have one golden gourami that killed two swordtails once. he was in the tank first and got territorial I think, it was awful, he would grab hold of their sword and pull them out from where they were hiding (trying to get away from him!!) and then nip them. He completely stripped them of their scales on part of their body.

I ended up taking him back to the LFS and swapping him for another fish. I think it can depend on the size of the tank too, as this guy was in my smaller tank (60L) which may not have been big enough for him and a couple of swordtails (forgive me I was a new fishkeeper at the time :oops: )

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I love gouramis, and have four at the moment with minimal probs, just a bit of chasing each other. They live in a four ft tank with angels, serpae tetras, some bolivian rams and some fighters.

but I did have one golden gourami that killed two swordtails once. he was in the tank first and got territorial I think, it was awful, he would grab hold of their sword and pull them out from where they were hiding (trying to get away from him!!) and then nip them. He completely stripped them of their scales on part of their body.

I ended up taking him back to the LFS and swapping him for another fish. I think it can depend on the size of the tank too, as this guy was in my smaller tank (60L) which may not have been big enough for him and a couple of swordtails (forgive me I was a new fishkeeper at the time :oops: )

Poor fish that sounded nasty!!

I like the gouramis too, he is a bossy fish with a real character. He has been chasing the other fish too but doesnt really nip them as they are too quick for him, there isnt many fish in the tank at the moment so i need to restock i think then he wont just pick on the rainbow.

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