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Sleepy Shubunkin Fantail


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This isn't about a rare fish but a fish which has a fetish.

I inherited this fish from someone who kept it in a small round bowl, originally with 2 other tank mates who died.

It is a female and spends most of the day asleep, only waking up when I feed the the other fish.

Once fed, back to sleep again, standing upright in the corner of the tank.

The odd thing is that when she sleeps, she wedges herself behind the under gravel outlet on the bottom of the tank.

She sleeps standing on her tail, upright, with her nose pointing to the surface.

Kinda like us sleeping standing up.

I have tried introducing a male in an attempt to redirecting her lack of energy, but that didn't work.

I can't exactly send her to her bedroom or try reverse phsyology by placing the undergravel outlet sidewise.

She is a beautiful fish and I would like to see her more ofton.

Any ideas?

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