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Hello to you all.

I am gratefull for the opportunity to participate in this forum and would like to say thankyou to the moderators for their work.

Thirty years ago as a single man, I breed gold fish as a hobbist.

I specialized in breeding celestials of all things!

Mariage intervened and later raising 2 children as a solo father came along and now in my dotage I am ready to take up the hobby again.

But never again will I try the celestial thing, beauty and form is enough.

After an absense of 30 years it is amasing how much fish keepng has changed.

Keeping fish seems to have become a Pseudo science with water testing kits etc. ( I am not trying to be disparraging)

We used litmus paper and the nose, under gravel filters were the ultimate in high tech filtering.

Good Planting, weekly 30% water changes, good hygiene, feeding live food as ofton as possible were considered good fish keeping practices.

Hollywood fish farm had just started up.

About 6 weeks ago I purchased a 200 litre aquarium and have been slowly stocking it.

I am finding it difficult to find good specimens of the fish that I woud like to Keep.

There are so many poor examples of varieties on sale in shops it should be an embarrassment to all fish breeders.

Why put rubbish on sale?

I think that I should leave more of what I would like to write it here alone. Because if I carry on, I may make my debut here very unpopular.

Regards to one and all,


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Welcome to the site mcarver, good to see that you still have your eye 'in' for decent fish.

I'm very much in agreeance(spp) of the condition of some of the fish displayed.

Bent spines and skelatal fish should never be displayed for sale or even as feeders.

Look forward to more posts.

Have PM'd you.

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Welcome Mcarver.

I don't think fishkeeping has basically changed much at all. Although there are the high tech ones and the test fanatics out there, many of us still stick to the tried and true heavy planting, low stocking and good filtration.

You are right about the poor examples of fish to be found for sale though :cry:

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