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My Angel Laid Eggs!!!


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:D:D :D :D:D :D :D :D :D:D But all over my filter though...:(:( :( :(

I had them seperated from the rest of the fish for 2 weeks thinking that they would lay eggs in the other tank, i had a nice piece of slate there and everything, but i thought false alarm (and i didnt really have time to look after the fry). So i put them back in the comunity tank last week. Still no eggs. So Thursday Night i cleaned the filter becuase it had yuck stuff on it.

When i came home last night, there were little white balls over part of the filter, with the angels sitting there staring at them lol.

Whenever another fish comes near the eggs, the male angel Chases them away (even though the males the smallest fish in there lol).

And i cant take out the filter as i dont have a spare one, and i have no where to put the eggs as my other tanks are taken up with guppys and axolotls.

So the questions are:

Should i just leave the eggs there and try catch the fry when they hatch?

And some eggs are white and some are clear, Whats up with that?


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Heres some pics of the eggs and the parents, sorry they are a bit blurry, i only have a digital video camera :oops:

A verry Blurry Pic of the eggs, some have gone into the mouths of the moonlight gourami


Daddy guarding Eggs with a Hungry Moonlight Gourami Lurking above


Mummy and Daddy Guarding


Daddy chasing away the moonlight gourami while Mummy guards


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If you hang a piece of slate near the water surface they will normally spawn on that and you can remove them and hatch them without them being eaten. The white eggs are infertile and generally fungus and that spreads to the fertile eggs and kills them also. The parents remove the infertile eggs but if you add a drop of methylene blue to the water with the removed eggs it will slow up the spread of fungus. If you feed them well (particularly with live food) they will go again in a couple of weeks.

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Now approx 80% of the eggs are white, with fungus grown in about 3 spots, should i just remove them all? If so, How can i remove them?

I Feel really bad though lol, the angels havnt left the eggs since they laid them. :cry:

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