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Price list


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Hmm sorry I am still a bit stumped... :oops:

Are you meaning from retail outlets? Prices will differ from store to store, whether the fish has been bought from the same suppliers, or depending what sort of markup each individual store puts on their goods or livestock...

Sometimes if a fish is purchased from a breeder a shop will often put a lower price on a fish, however, in some cases this doesn't happen.. :roll: :lol:

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Nope, there is no guide.

The easier to breed and raise a fish is, the cheaper it is. For example Danios can be bred weekly and require little care - $3 each, where as Discus need to be raised off the parents and given near perfect water conditions hence prices vary from $35 to $300.

There is no store I'd consider a 'rip off' if that's what you are wanting to know. Unless you're buying fish valued over $20 I wouldn't worry too much. Also a good idea to ask on here because many users breed fish themselves and have excess, also try trademe.co.nz and look under Home and Living > Pets > Fish.

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The prices vary widely from shop to shop and area to area. Some fish in ChCh are a lot cheaper than the same fish in Auckland, and vice versa. Same goes for plants. I can't believe what some have to pay for basic plants like Java fern.

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haha I have a list!!!

it is a personal compilation so it is biased towards fish I am thinking of keeping in the future and misses fish which i don't have as much interst for. These prices were effective as of 1 month ago. the prices are taken from 2 or 3 different shops in auckland and go something like this;

Kissing gourami 11

Blue Acaras 11

Festivum ciclids- 12

Silver dollars- 10.00, /16 (size diff)

plecos- 20

Giant gourami 35

large angels- 20

tinfoil barbs 10

diamond sharks 17, 10

severums 9gold/green) 12/15

kuhli loaches 4 for 20

Ghost knife 40

G. Brasiliensins 17

neons 10 for 17

Uaru 40

Mysus cat 15

Red scissor tail 12

G. suripari- 28

Jack dempsey 35/12

cuban cichlid 30

clown loaches 30 (gone down though I think)

scunk loaches 20

Striata loaches 13

Jewel 20

red heads- 14

butterflies- 40

black neons 4 for 12

rummynoses 4 for 30

convicts- 7/9


red devils cichlids- 15

3 spot gourami-10

newts 50 ea

striped barbs- 11

glass cats- 12

gba's 6-20

featherfin rainbows 2 for 21

sm. firemouths 18

silver sharks- 10 (sm)

oscars 25, 40 (diff patterns)

so hope this helps- all prices are rounded and can of course vary greatly depending on shops but these prices show the average sorts of prices for tropical fish...

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