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Urgent advice for sick bristlenose!!


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Our male bristlenose went belly up this afternoon, he is breathing extremly fast and wont move.

The water levels are fine but the ph is slightly higher than normal at 7.4.

Nitrite nil, ammonia nil.

He has been pigging out on cucumber and zucchini all week and this is a new addition to his diet.

He is not looking great, any ideas??

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just replied to your other thread :wink:

wouldnt hurt to add epsom salts to the tank if you suspect its a blockage, if it is it will help clear it out. i use 1tbsp/40L when i have plecs/cories etc in the tank and they have been fine but others have different dosages they use so you may like to look into that if you want to treat :) as far as i know it doesnt hurt plants.

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He is still alive this morning and he hasnt gone belly up since i put him right yesterday.

His breathing seems to be a bit more settled and when i put the light on he went and hid and appeared to be sucking on to the wood.

But he is still not ok i dont think.

I added tonic salt to the tank yesterday, how often can i add that.

Would it pay to add melafix to the tank aswel??

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Yay!! he has just eaten, and seems to be back to his old self!!

He even chased away his girlfriend which he definatly wasnt doing yesterday. I might stay away from the veges for a couple of days and only give them every other day instead of all the time??

He was always on them when they were in the tank, maybe it was a case of over indulgence!! will let you know how he does over the next few days, hope he is ok as he is my favourite!!

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