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Jag Fry evolution, (a picture diary)


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Ok guys my Jag fry are free swimming now so i thought i would

do a pic diary on how they reached this stage.

I aquired a breeding pair of Jags and less than 48 hrs later

they had spawned, here's a pic of the spawn and mom guarding the eggs.



Two days later they moved the eggs to this cave and you can see the first

of the wrigglers appear, mom ann dad keep a close eye on things.


The parents kept the wrigglers in the cave for 3 days untill the last fry had

found his fins, here they are free swimming.


A closer look at the fry


And here's proud mom with her impressive brood.


My Jags took a little breather from breeding and posed

for some shots earlier, here's the resulting pics.





Heres a quick video of the jags spawning if you're

not already bored by the long post.

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v107/ ... ngjags.flv


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Thanks for the link. They sure do look good.

However 35cm seems a bit big for my 4 footer?

How big are yours? They must be adults if they are breeding?

And how fast do they get to the 35cm?

I suppose they need their own tank, as they would end up eating everything else at that size?

I don't want to grow fish that will end up dumped somewhere cause the owners cannot keep them. The pacus are a bad example of that.

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However 35cm seems a bit big for my 4 footer?

How big are yours? They must be adults if they are breeding?

And how fast do they get to the 35cm?

I suppose they need their own tank, as they would end up eating everything else at that size?


My male is 9" female is 7.5" they grow pretty fast these ones

are just about a year old,

If you have a male or a female you can keep them with other

large aggressive cichlids, if your tank is big enough.

If you have a breeding pair in breeding mode nothing else

is safe in the tank.

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Yep as said above. Used to have a breeding pair in a display tank in the first lfs I worked at.

No way was I putting my hand in that tank :lol:

As for what they are like, my mate had an American set up. A breeding pair of convicts were defending their babies against others. A jaguar was that keen for the babies & the convict mum was that keen to defend. The convict mum was in the Jaguar mouths when my mate got home from work. :o jag wasn't that big & the convict only just fitted in the mouth.

Oh mate mate managed too get the female convict out & she survived. She hadn't been in there to long, plenty of scratches that was about it. :roll:

Frenchy :D

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I have seen some massive sized Jags, around 10 year old mark.. bigger than 35cm... And big fatties... A guy we know has a relatively large pair and his breach slightly out of the water when they have fry, if he puts his hand over the tank more than likely everytime they would have a go at him :lol:

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