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Best fish to mix with Bettas


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First post, be kind.

I love Bettas, had great sucess with them in the past but have always kept them in relative isolation from other fish. I would like put a Betta into a large community tank, what fish would best be suited to go with them?


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with my betta i have gouramis neons, coodle loches,guppies,a ram they get on fine with my betta but my shark sometimes (not very often about once a week at feeding time) nipps his fins i think my rainbow shark gets a bit to excited to get food..... :evil:

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it is not recommended putting a male betta in with male guppies or generally anything else with long colourful fins. it becomes a case of "i'm the prettiest fish in the tank and i'll keep it that way" as he nips the others fins.

i have mine currently with pearl danio's and female guppies.

a female fighter will live happily with most other fish, but just check that those other fish will live happily with her.

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mine lives with an unidentified fish... see http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/my-new ... 17624.html

he/sge is still alive and i have no idea what it is... it swims around the top of the tank.... i have tried unsucessfully to get a picture of it but it is still really hard. it is a dull grey color and looks like it might be a killie of some description... lets hope it is a male

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