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Sexing Angel Fish??? Help please.


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Hi Aaron

The short answer is NO. The photos are far too dificult to read and the angles of the fish make it impossible to even have a calculated guess and be 50% correct.

The way "I" use (and it works for me) is to look at a fish "Front On", you can see the keel of the males is like a "V" and slightly concave; the female's keel is like a "U".

The most certain way to sex them is to check the ovipositor Tubes.

The Female has a very broad tube and flattened at the bottom whilst the Male has a very pointed tube end.

There is more chance of picking males at a young age if you use this method as the tube end protrudes slightly outside the "body line".

Good Luck.


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Pretty sure the top one is female and the bottom one is male. Interesting genetics: Looks like a stripelees gene (blusher) and also zebra lace. I can never work out why people cross a striped to a non striped. Could have some interesting offspring. The "bottom" of the female is horizontal and the male is at 45 deg.

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Hi All,

As a keeper and breeder of ANGEL'S, I will state catagorically that you are all correct.

My money is all on the 2nd piccy being a male. Any takers at 20 to 1?

That is eveident by the tube which IS JUST VISIBLE and is extremely pointed.

The behaviour you're describing is that of a pair, being in what I term "A TUG OF LOVE".

Good luck with them and long may they breed for you.


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