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Updated Pics of Tangy Tank


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Here is updated pics... sorry for the odd blurred pic, having trouble with the camera lately, take note, you won't see too much of the frons, the pics were taken straight after tank rock work added so we weren't flavour of the month :lol: Sulky twirps :roll: :lol: The water is usually crystal clear, but showing as a big murky as we did a substrate clean and stirred it up.





And their Malawi mate..


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There are different species of peacock :D Definately pays to do your homework on different ones available before you buy :) and make sure you buy from breeders that keep nice clean lines :D (Don't buy from a mixed peacock tank!) :-?

And when buying from a store, it is always good buying from a store who is good at keeping species seperate, some are good, some not so good. I order in mine and pick them up still in their bags, straight from supplier, even tho the shop I go through is great with keeping peacocks etc seperate :D

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A large species of Vallis ;):D Has taken a bit of a knocking tho, I had a large plec in there to keep the algae under control till we got our Tropheus duboisi.. so the Vallis is coming into it's own again :)

And at the front is a big clump of Java Fern

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