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Probably a bit late now, if you're in an internet cafe.:) If you're talking about the yellowish spotted kind usually sold just as "Freshwater puffer" they grow to about an inch, I believe. They're also pretty nippy and aggressive to other fish. In my opinion, you want a nice puffer go with a Brazilian or a Figure eight, they're a lot more expensive but they're bigger and not nearly as unsociable.

Have a look at http://puffernet.tripod.com/main.html

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Puffers, of any type are best suited to a species tank!

Freshwater puffers though (in my account anyway) can be very nippy, or just oblivious to tankmates.....for example, When I first got my freshwater puffers, I put them into the tank with some cherry barbs (that i had used to cycle the tank) after a couple of days the barbs were left almost finless! ( i removed them and they have made a full recovery)

A while later I place some guppies in the tank (for live food) and low and befold the puffers totally ignored them...they didnt even nip the fins!

I guess, as far as compatibility of fish goes...it's a trial and error situation!

Feeding of freshwater puffers, you'll need Bloodworms, or other "meaty" type foods....these guys wont even look at flake food (and well mine dont even really look at anything but bloodworms) and you'll need to supply them with a few snails form time to time to keep thier "beaks" ground down........

Ira has posted about the size, and yep that is about right for Freshwater puffers (as long as they are the DWARF variety) and not a mis-labelled, or different puffer species.

Ira is also right about the figure 8 puffer being a far nicer species, but they grow bigger, sometimes cost more, and there does seem to be some argument over whether they are freshwater, or brackish water fish.....

Hope this helps out with youe decision.......


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