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kenyi cichlids


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why dont you just take the kenyi out to dinner for a treat? :wink:

The Angel would of course circumvent the need to take the kenyi for a meal. :lol:

I say the answer is a definite NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Kenyi are vicious little Bu....ers... :evil:


P.S...I loathe "Rift Lake" Cichlids at the best of times... :roll:

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why dont you just take the kenyi out to dinner for a treat? :wink:

The Angel would of course circumvent the need to take the kenyi for a meal. :lol:

I say the answer is a definite NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Kenyi are vicious little Bu....ers... :evil:


P.S...I loathe "Rift Lake" Cichlids at the best of times... :roll:

Stop beating about the bush Errol tell us what you really think :roll: :P 8) :lol: :lol:

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HI Paul :wink:

They may be pretty, they may be different; and that is the point; Rift Lake Cichlids are the most vicious fish I have ever had. :evil:

I was one of the first in NZ along with (I believe) Warick Jost formerly of Manurewa Club to import; as was, Psuedotropheus auratus, now melanachromis. :roll:

I imported 1 box of fish, about 650 from memory.They looked stunning, bred easily and were easy to look after; but the damned things were so vicious even among themselves that I was pleased to get rid of the last of them into a tank of Formalin.

To this day I have not kept a single Rift Lake Cichlid.

If you like them:.................Keep them.

I don't.


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HI Paul :wink:

They may be pretty, they may be different; and that is the point; Rift Lake Cichlids are the most vicious fish I have ever had. :evil:

I was one of the first in NZ along with (I believe) Warick Jost formerly of Manurewa Club to import; as was, Psuedotropheus auratus, now melanachromis. :roll:

I imported 1 box of fish, about 650 from memory.They looked stunning, bred easily and were easy to look after; but the damned things were so vicious even among themselves that I was pleased to get rid of the last of them into a tank of Formalin.

To this day I have not kept a single Rift Lake Cichlid.

If you like them:.................Keep them.

I don't.


Hi, as a matter of fact i'm just breaking down my cichlid tank , decided to give the malawi's a miss for a while :)

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I think some "Rift Lake" species are far more layed back than others :D

I think if you have a passion for Rift Lake Cichlids then go for it! To date, we have never lost many fish through aggressiveness, the only thing we did lose infact were some Demasoni, as we had 6 together, didn't have the numbers up enough, that was a while back now. I think it comes down to having your tanks balanced in numbers :D In the way of Tangs, we had some Comps that thinned each other out...

But I don't think one could go as far as saying that Rift Lake species in general are vicious.. I think it depends on individual species.. ;):D

And there are some pretty nasty non African species of Cichlids out there and some Angels can often be lumped into that group :lol: :lol:

But in the case of Kenyi and Angels.. I agree with the guys... YEEEIKES definately not a good combination :D

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lol ive kept a heap of cichlids and in all honesty the "rift lake" cichlids have been pretty laid back ive managed to keep all sorts of things in with them with great success.. Unlike when I used to keep angels!

All in all they're great and my fav but as afrikan says each to their own and keep what you want..

Oh and yeah im another for no angels and Kenyi together sorry :)

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Hi All.

If that question was for me; the answer is 1972 -3- 4.

In fact as I recall they were the first to come into NZ.

Truth to tell, they came from "POON'S TROPICAL FISH FARM" in Singapore.

They were in the SAME SHIPMENT ORDER THAT I FIRST BROUGHT IN, as was Pelmatachromis thomasi, but they were out of Sierra Leone.

The opposite side of the country to the Rift Lakes.

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Angels are overrated, boring & not that pretty either :P {IMO}

Rift Lake Cichlids are the most vicious fish I have ever had.

They are pussy cats compared to some Aussie natives, eg; Mangrove Jacks... or some of the American Cichlids, festaes, cichla..... People tend to keep Africans over Americans as of stocking numbers in tank, aggression....

P.S...I loathe "Rift Lake" Cichlids at the best of times...

:o :lol:

They are easy to keep. Can't see what your problem is?

Frenchy :D

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Auratus in the 70's - this would have been a VERY exciting adition to the hobby back then :o . People would have been amazed at their spawning and parenting habits back then I would expect :D

I spawned them way back when they were Pseudotropheus too - oh how things have changed :wink: . Still one of my favourites actually.


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There is nothing wrong with ANGEL'S........... :lol:

They have a bad reputation as bigger fish.

ANY LARGE FISH is by nature, aggressive; they don't grow that big by being pussies all their lives. In nature it is SURVIVAL OF THE FITEST and RIFT LAKE CICHLIDS ARE BY THEIR NATURE AGGRESSIVE. :oops:


That on it's own would make you pretty agro keeping out any intruders.

Angel's just move upstream a bit. :wink:


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