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Geo has a sore nose

Wayne n Kell

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Hi Guys

Just noticed my Geo has a sore snout, now i could be over reacting here :oops: but i realy like this guy, i have noticed a lump on his snout, and a little red protrusion about 2mm and quite round on top of the bump almost like a pimple. My big fish get along very well and there is predominantly harmony in the tank, no big scraps. Any thoughts..

Sorry the pic is a bit blurry


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You haven't got sharp driftwood in there have you, at least a piece that may be pointy enough to snag his nose if he has run into it, this can be common.. hopefully it heals up nicely, if not, I would put him in a seperate tank, nice clean water with a bit of salt.. and if you get to desperate measures then a bit of Melafix..

How is it looking now?

Geos and other cichlids etc can also be prone to Hole In The Head disease, and it can be more so common in Geos... from the pic it does look like an injury.. just a note on the Hole In The Head tho, often starts as a small open pore look.. and expands and goes deeper.. and often has a white fluffy piece in side, then when the fluffy piece falls out... you will see a crater... it's not normally the HITH that kills the fish, it's the bacterial infections etc than can set in... If nipped early enough fish can be treated with success, but often it can be a battle if a little too far gone.

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Thanks guys

You are on the money African, i have been doing some research and the red pok has now broken away and you can see the white. I have only had this guy about a month, and from what i have found on the net he has a few other scars from earlier occurances of HITH.

Recomended treatment i found for HITH

1/3 water change every 2 to 3 days, raising the temp slowly to 28c, and tonic salt one tablespoon per 40 ltr's

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Yeap Metro apparently is brilliant, it's a case of getting it from the vets, I have a small supply here, and I not long ago purchased a large pair of Geos, who unfortunately were showing signs of HITH.. I am going to treat them with Metro and fingers crossed all goes well.

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Great stuff, will be good to sweet talk the vet into some Metro :D;)

We have a pair of Geos over 20cm, hoping to get them right and spawn them again soon... They are definately restless and wanting to spawn again, just want to get them better first, so really rooting for them...

We used to have a huge pair of Surinamensis a while back. We have some small Juru grow ons and some small Suris also... also have some Geophagus steindachneri.

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I was in Gisborn the other week on business, called in to see a guy up there he has the biggest Geo I have ever seen, it was well on the way to 30 cm.. huge fish.. in good nick too..

Good luck with your breeding..

Just got of the phone form talking to the vet, they will prescribe Metro for me, :bounce: :bounce: they have it in 400 mg solubile tabs, have you got any idea of a dose rate..

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I dose here with 200mg tab and use them at 1 tab per 30litres

25% water change everyday and redose it

Dissolve tab b4 adding to the water

Also dose rate at 7mg per litre depending on howmuch are in your tablets

If your friendly with a Chemist they might beable to get you some Flagyll which is the same


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