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What do you think is my tank ready yet or just winding me up


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OK folks, tank has been cycling now for 3 weeks after setup.

Tested tonight and results as follows

PH = 8.2

Alkalinity = 3

Free Ammonia = 0.02

Total Ammonia = 0.05

Nitrite = 0

Nitrate = 3

Tested used SeaChem Basic Marine Kit

Been testing every couple days but haven’t really seen any rise in ammonia level or nitrite either. So I am understandably a little suspicious.

Tank has been fed every 2 days and has some 4 clear shrimp, 3 hermit crabs and 3 normal crabs living in it, (found these when collecting NSW). All seem very happy.

Skimmer been running since tank set up.

Rock had been “cooking†in a separate tank for 2 months while we collected up the other bits and pieces required to set up the tank. Used live sand purchased off a person closing down their tank.

SOOOOOO do the reefers out there think can we add some fish?????????????????

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The presence of nitrate shows that your cycle is "complete", ie at least some ammonia is making it right through to the nitrate stage. The presence of ammonia is troubling though, but it is suspicious your reading on this has not changed. Also two months cooking plus 3 weeks should be plenty to get rid of the ammonia, unless you've been feeding way too much. You should double check your ammonia reading, your lfs may be prepared to do a test for you.

My suspicion your kit is lying to you about the ammonia, your cycle is just about done & you can start cautiously adding some more livestock. But do double check that ammonia first, it must be zero, anything more is a problem.

DON'T add anything if you do have any ammonia.

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i would say the readings are correct as the seachem test kits are quality test kits .

You might find that if you use the test kits on a existing tank you will also get ammonia reading as they do read quite low and most tanks will have some ammonia. test fresh seawater and see what the reading is.

I would do a 20% water change and then add a few fish.

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Plan to add slowly starting with pair True Perc's and some sort of cleaner shrimp, (reccomendations??)

The percs & shrimp would be a great start. My tank is also a 200 litre no sump & deltec HOB skimmer, you can see the fish in it here, which are a good mix for a tank this size. Only the yellow tang is quite small & will have to be sold when he gets bigger. There are also 4 cardinal fish that i haven't got pics of yet.

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/wasps- ... 10027.html

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i didnt know they had fish shops that sell marine gear in nelson?

They don't well not really any way, one store has a marine tank and 1/2 dozen products, we got or rock from them , but choice is getting better if not a bit pricy. Thank goodnes for the Internet and couriers

They are however very, very helpful, free with advise and no pressure for a sale so we will keep going back. Don't mind paying a bit extra for good service.

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