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urgent help needed


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Sorry to hear that, if you ever need to put a fish to sleep i heard from a vet that the kindest way to put a fish to sleep is to put it in an icecream container with some tank water and the lid on and put it in the freezer, this way the fishes body just cools down and they go off to sleep and eventually die. Minimal suffering and pretty quick.

Unfortunatly with all small creatures there isnt really a painless way to do it but this is probably the best way i have heard of.

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That wound should be able to heal up

Just keep Salt in the water and Melafix and regular water changes and hopefully it will be ok

Clove oil is the most Humane way to euthanise a fish

I used to think Freezing them was but have found out the water in thebllod stream starts to freeze first b4 the fish loses conciousness

Doesnt sound like a realygood way to die

Also big hit on the head also works


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the most common dosage i have seen for salt in tanks is 1Tbsp per 20L. BUT if you have scaleless/sensitive fish like clown loaches, BGK, plecos etc then you want to half that dosage so 1Tbsp per 40L. plants wont like the salt either

also make sure to only replace what you take out with water changes, salt doesnt evaporate. ie take out 20L add 1Tbsp back.

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yeah exactly Only ever put it for as much water you have changed

If this is the first time treat the whole tank

I woulnt go as strong as Tble per 20

I generally use this amount for africans

I would go for 1 tblespoon for 40 litres atm and when he is better go to Tblespoon per 60 litres


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