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Surprise Fries!

me love fishy

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I was totally surprised this morning to discover a new bubba in my tank. :o It is a serpae tetra, I saw it when I was feeding my fishies, it was trying to eat some of the pellets I dropped in. It is about 5mm long or so. I didn't even know they were breeding and any breeding in my tank is totally random as I don't buy fish to breed on purpose.

So lets hope it survives!! I have had a colombian tetra born in that tank and survive and it is still alive now, so its possible.

I was totally gobsmacked when I saw it :D

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I don't buy fish to breed on purpose.

lol- I think the final decision wether or not to breed should be up to the fish themselves!!!!

Just bercause you didn't buy them expecting them to breed doesn't mean the fish do not get to have some fun in a nice soft java moss bed! :lol:

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Of course Davidb, they can have all the fun they want and probably do when the lights go out :D I meant I don't have tanks set up for the sole purpose of breeding and I don't encourage it so if they do and the fries survive its a minor miracle really, since I have angels in that tank that will eat the fries if spotted (but only if covered with chicken salt!).

I couldn't handle having a whole lot of bubbas in my tank as I have nowhere to put them. But one or two fries is always cool and fun to watch them grow up to be wedges. :D (Sorry Caryl, couldn't resist)

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