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Which fish eat what algae????


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I have wondered this for awhile.....I would love for everyone to put there experiences up for what fish eat what types of algae??

Heres a few i would like to start with but i would like to know about others i forget to list....



Pleco's (in general)


Golden Algae eaters

Chinese Algae Eater

Siamese Algae Eaters

Borneo Suckers/hillstream loach

Do loaches and cory's eat algae?? thanks guys :D

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I have five teenage GBAs who have worked hard their whole lives eating algae. I find their weakness is thread algae which they dont seem to be able to eat easily, and it grows despite their efforts.

Have a young SAE who works hard, but doesn't seem attracted to the thread algae as much as I'd hoped.

35cm Common Plec who is often too lazy to clean brown algae off the glass or rocks but will troffle around in the gravel looking for oscar left overs. Have two redspot plecs who do an awesome job of keeping their tanks algae free, unfortunately they damage normal plants, and my common plec literally almost destroyed my borneo sword :(

Most of my fish in the community/planted tank pick away at the thread algae a day after an AlgaeFix dose, including Kribensis, Dwarf Gourami, Angels, and the Clown Loaches.

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4 Otos would do ok :) Water quality is a must tho, like nice clean water, regular water changes, and they do like current.

Borneos are good, however, they do prefer cooler waters.. between 18-24 degrees, they seem to be shorter lived in warmer conditions :( Such cute little critters :D But I wouldn't put them in a tank with warmer conditions, it's hardly fair :-? I have heard they are ok around 26 but a few people I know have lost them after a while.

Our planted tank is 4ft and we don't have too much problem with algae.. apart from that dusty brown algae that settles on older leaves.. however the Otos seems to help that! :D

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