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A bit of feedback on my tank is greatly appreciated :o)

ken loach

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greetings FNZAS peeps!

have a few things here that i would love some info/feedback on

in my tank i have :

x4 clow loaches

x2 kribs

x16 odd rummy nose tetras

x2 zodiac loaches

x1 pleco

tank is about 118 litres -


1) do i have too many fish for the size do you think?

2) the clown loaches don't seem to be schooling together much - should this be something to worry about?

the dominant figure in the tank is defo the male krib...this in mind i have tried to allocate areas in my tank - to the left is a cave for the kribs to the right is a little cave for the clown loaches etc covered by plants.

thoughts or sudgestions on how i could make my tank better are greatly appreciated!

cheers! :bounce:

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1. Yes

2. Depends on how long they have been in the tank.

Here is an excellent site: http://www.clownloach.info/

As you can see, if you check out the link, you are going to need a bigger tank. It is good you have put a lot of thought into individual hiding areas.

A bit hard to recommend improvements without a pic of the set-up but as your plec grows (and outgrows the tank) it will destroy the plants (so will the clowns).

The rummy noses should be looking good. I love a big school of those fish 8)

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wicked thanks caryl!

i fully realise that the clown loaches and pleco are going to get real big...am keen to deal with that problem when it arises - purely because i am really happy with the broad range community i have in there now...

so that aside...is it too many fish for the size still?

ps cheers for the link to the clown loach site!

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Looking forward to the pics and, if we have to criticise, we do it in a constructive way :wink:

The rest of the fish ought to be fine. A lot depends on the size of the tank (dimensions, not total litres), amount of filtration and degree of maintenance.

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As well as what Caryl just asked, how big are the fish at the moment?

I think I can see another MTS (multiple tank syndrome) case coming up in the near future, so welcome to the club :lol:

fish are all really nicely sized, all about the same really...the rummys are pretty small

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OK, ummm...

Next time remove the algae scraper before you take the pic :lol:

Although there is nothing basically wrong with the tank, it lacks focus. There should be one thing that draws attention to the tank and I can't see anything that does this. Possibly the little Easter Island guy does it in real life but doesn't so much in the pic? Photographs can be deceiving.

It doesn't look like you have a backing sheet on the tank. This would help plus would hide some cords.

You have a tall plant in the middle but nothing totally hiding the equipment on the right. Any chance of rearranging them a bit to cover them, or getting more plant in that back corner?

Is the gravel sloping from the back to the front? It should be higher at the back to give more of a sense of depth. Again, it may be just the way the pic was taken but it looks a bit flat.

Whatever you do the plecs will rearrange it anyway :lol:

Howzat?? :bounce:

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I like the fake plants, and wish they were real....


Na, fake though they may be, i like how the plants go up like that (jungle-ish :D ) - do the fish like to swim through it? Nice but no focal point in the tank for me...

And i love clowns, so thumbs up from me :)

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yes I agree with what everyone else has written. I was thinking that perhaps also you way want to get some more order in your foliage. Perhaps get some small plastic plants and perhaps some plastic breeding grass and make it so the bigger plants are at the back, smaller ones in front and grass as the forground. just my opinion. Perhaps also more driftwood would also help to make the bottom of the tank look less drab. If you buy more small plants get a quite a few of perhaps 2-3 types so it will look more natural. if you have lots of different colours and types of plasic plants it looks really wierd. So yeah thats my reccomendations- More base cover incl smaller fake plants and driftwood. I like your cave though- and I bet your fishies like it too!

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OK, ummm...

Next time remove the algae scraper before you take the pic :lol:

Although there is nothing basically wrong with the tank, it lacks focus. There should be one thing that draws attention to the tank and I can't see anything that does this. Possibly the little Easter Island guy does it in real life but doesn't so much in the pic? Photographs can be deceiving.

It doesn't look like you have a backing sheet on the tank. This would help plus would hide some cords.

You have a tall plant in the middle but nothing totally hiding the equipment on the right. Any chance of rearranging them a bit to cover them, or getting more plant in that back corner?

Is the gravel sloping from the back to the front? It should be higher at the back to give more of a sense of depth. Again, it may be just the way the pic was taken but it looks a bit flat.

Whatever you do the plecs will rearrange it anyway :lol:

Howzat?? :bounce:

all excellent sudgestions caryl - cheers! :hail:

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yo peeps

phase one has begun and it's alread looking good! even the rummy noses are schooling instead of swimming around all confused - hehe musta been my lame interioir decorating sense ;o)

have moved all the plants with the jungle leaves into one corner and covered up the filter and thermometer

moved the light brown leafy thing growing up from the ground next to easter island

and the one with the multi pronged leaves (that looks like you know what ;o) over to the kribs cave

am gonna 86 the easter island, get a big piece of wood for the centre of the tank and do the back slope thing...

and at some point when i can be bothered a backing sheet!

already looking beter tho!

cheers! will post shots once its done

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