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Just a Hello


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Hello All

I guess im probably pritty much a Sparkeling new Fish keeper.

iv only had my tank set up for about 2 weeks and my fish are doing so well that thayer spawning already :P. im also a South African but i left when i was 7 years old and im only 16 now so i cant say i remember any of the fishg from there.

so any way i guess this is my hello and my introduction, looking forward to learning HEAPS of new things from all the "Grand Masters" of fish keeping :P

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hello again...

I dont know if im doing this in the right forum...

and i probably got the spelling wrong to :P.

any way iv got

i think about 6 zebra danios, about 6 leopard danios,

1 plocostamis, 1 algae eater, 1 red tailed shark, 3 clown loaches, 10 neon tetras, 2 silver pointers, 3 harlican lotus, between 3-6 glow light tetras

1 lemon tetra

i dont think i have any others. and i only got all of those thanks to my parents :)... arnet thay cool 8) (but i got my tank from a friend for $10

its 94 cm by 54 cm and 60 cm deep. pritty big tank for $10 (but then again he makes most of the tanks around auckland))

PS: I think that between all my fish in there even thow its got pritty good vegitation and rockery that all the eggs could have become mid night snacks :( o well i dont think my tank could really handel to many more fish

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Great to have you aboard Wokey :D Your tank sure sounds great and you are probably right about there being enough fish in there.

Reading your post I see it has been up and running for 3 weeks now. How is the tank cycle going??? :roll: Are you testing for the PH and Nitrate/nitrites??? Once my tank had cycled there was just no looking back. Look forward to hearing more about your fish and tanks. :)

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You have 40 fish in a tank only set up 2 weeks ago?? I hope you used mature filter media from an established tank or you are going to run into trouble.

What are your test readings for pH, nitrates and ammonia? Are you doing water changes? Which of the fish do you think spawned?

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