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Discus ... 3 good enough?


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:lol: ira

as evil said 3 probably wont be happy- cichlids often have problems in groups of three (not breeding trios), two buddy up and make the other ones lives misery or one becomes boss and nails the other two constantly- i experienced this when i had only 3 and it wasnt nice to watch two fish become withdrawn.

3 discus can technically space wise go in most 3 foot aquariums but 5+ cant which is when they will be at their happiest and most confident. with my 6 i can see the definate rankings but when they get stroppy it isnt often major.

the main problem with mixing fish with discus is alot cant handle the higher temps (28-31C), bristlenose will be fine but i am unsure how the others would handle it, i think swords and guppies prefer the lower temps around the 24-25C range?

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Ah crud, I think I'll just scrape the discus idea then. My tank is a 900x450x450. I was just toying with the idea of getting a few bigger fish, as I want this tank to have quantity over quality with maybe a few biggies, hence getting lots of small fish such as swords and guppies. So far here's a list of whats gonna be in it:








I want some slightly bigger fish, but cant think of any. Ideas anyone?

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some of the gouramis get a good size, not sure what species or what their temperments would be like tho (im not up on gouramis). not sure how they are with fighters

angels also get a fairly decent size, enough to attract attention out of a group of small fish anyway and they have some neat colour variations. they may become neon eaters tho (not all do it, only some) as they get to adult size.

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I think you are meaning African Cichlids... not all cichlids require hard water and not all cichlids are aggressive.

Bolivian Butterflys and Blue Rams are fine :D We used to keep them in a tank with guppies, neons etc, never a problem.

The only time Bolivians are a pain is if you have a pair and they get territorial with breeding ground etc, but then that goes with most cichlids if you are housing pairs.

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Hi Silverblade

I have a pair of Blue Rams (Microgeophagus Ramairiz), they are brilliant (a mild cyclid attitude in a small package no big deal) and beautiful (colours of the rainbow). I understand they live very happily with Discus and all the community fishes. My fav fish, althought I have Discus fancier tendencies.

My dwarf gourami and Betta (fighting fish) fought like cats and dogs for a few days till we managed to isolate the Betta, which subsequently died. I understand same family (Anabantid labyrinth fish), same gender, both beautiful not take astep back some of fish and you might have trouble.

Good luck with this great hobby/lifestyle?

Regards, TGWH

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Thanks, will take a look at rams and dwarves then.

On other news, I finally filled my 3footer today, and tossed in 4 sacrificial WCMMs. (had them for 1 year now, no fry yet. Getting annoyed) Pics come soon, but expect nothing because I only filled it half just so that I can get some more room for more fish that I'm buying.

Got some Neons, BNs and probably more guppies coming in. Fun times coming up!

Edit- Tell me more about Blue Rams please. Did a little research and they seem reasonable.

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What do you want to know about Rams?

I have kept and bred the blue ram, and they are an awesome fish. Just make sure you get nice, strong looking ones as there are some crappy weak ones in the country, however there are also wild ones too :) . They certainly make a beautiful addition to a tank.

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