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guppy lines wiped out


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well i am not happy

have lost most of my guppy lines and two of my siamese females

the gupps started dropping off over the last three days and then a sia fem and today i lost another

my remaining gupp fem and one of two fem siamese are now showing a white furry like fungus around there mouths and sides.

the guppys dropped like flies lost lots,and different lines

now too save the rest of the tank

now too work out if i got contaminated from a couple of new fish from animates wgtn

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It sounds like you have cottonwool fungus. It is treatable, but it may be too late for some of your remaining fish. I would do a partial water change and put some melafix in the water.

I wouldn't blame Animates for this, it could be that you have overcrowded your tank or your fish have some other cause of stress. If your tank hasn't been set up for long it may not have cycled properly yet, and you can lose alot of fish this way.

Anyway that is my recommendation, others might have some good ideas.

Cheers and hope you don't lose anymore fishies.

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Sounds possibly like mouth fungus - starts off looking like a dusting of icing sugar over the lips of the fish, possibly some cottony growth then the lips rot off. I've only had it with livebearers before but it was definitely nasty - currently it ranks has my most dreaded fish disease.

I know that if I see a livebearer with those initial symptoms that it's automatic euthanasia for the afflicted one, 50% water change and in with a medication cocktail. I've never been able to successfully treat a livebearer that had started showing symptoms and it spreads too rapidly to leave the infected ones in the tank.

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4 foot tank has been set up for awhile and nothing was outta kilter

the guppies showed no sign at all until the last fem guppy and the fem siamese showed signs yesterday and died last night

so its taken out three of my fem siamese fighters and and all of my guppie lines,sevaral different lines(guttered)

platys are fine and all other fish are fine

the female siamese showed signs of cotton mouth

well i guess now i am in the market for some new guppy lines

give me a hollow if you have some good lines and you can spare a few

or sell

bummed as i was just starting to see the lines really develop


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the fem sianmese showed signs of mouth fungus and bad but was to late for her but the gupps just karked it with no signs and as the tank was ok and stable before introducing three fish from animates(two gupps and one fighter who died the next night then the gupps peeled off )i can only assume that it was imported,will be ring them to see if they have had any probs,

but hey thats fish life for ya

can't all be roses

not accusing animates,as its just an assumtion

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I'm curious - were the two new guppies imported or bred in NZ. I know the local fish shop refuses to stock imported guppies as they cause too many problems with disease. He's also been told by wholsesalers that if they could elliminate guppies from the lines they import that the loses during quarantine would halve.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few years ago there was a virus which affected guppies in the Asian market, apparently the virus is still active but the asian guppies have developed a certain amount of immunity to it.

The guppies that have been bred here in NZ have no such immunity and do not cope with this virus very well at all, female guppies abort within hours of the Asian guppy being introduced (Even after weeks of quarrantine) . I have heard of 70-80% fatality rates in some cases


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