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whitespot transport

K R Brown

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Yep, just confirming what fishboi said, you'll always have whitespot in the tank, kind of like how humans always have bacteria, its only when our defenses are down that it takes hold and makes us sick.

It will go away by itself if your fish is healthy, e.g. you remedy what caused it. There are medications available, but they shouldn't be needed.

You'll need to tell us more about your tank, the fish, your water change procedure, and if you did anything with the tank a day or three before you saw the whitespot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am not a fan of the cyst always being present. Transfer of the disease is so easy.

Someone mentioned earlier about bacteria in humans. You can say that for viruses in humans. eg; cold sores.

Parasites & bacteria, if present. You get medicine to treat. If used properly that infection will be killed. What happens is if people don't use the medicine properly. The bacteria or parasite isn't killed off completely, the disease can then gain strength again, then people get sick again.

If you have it usually, it is caused by dirty water, transfer, shock, as in sudden change in water temp & ph etc.

Anyway treatment is very easy. Raise temp to near 30 degree. Increase airation in the tank. Go to lfs, buy whitespot remedy & make sure you use the medicine properly. As in full course of treatment.

Frenchy :D

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Diseases have different levels of infectivity in humans and in fish. In humans it may take 2000 to 10000 Salmonella bacteria to give you Salmonellosis but only 1 to 3 Shigella bacteria to give you Shigellosis (bacillary dysentary) Same with fish. You only get lead poisoning when your body is taking in more lead than it can excrete otherwise all is pretty normal.

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