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AR980 Filter Adequate?

The Great White Hand

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I would appreciate your comments.

I have an AR980 which has been set up for about four weeks.

It is extensively planted (variety of swords, crypts, cambomba, anubias, java ferns on driftwood, java moss, dwarf saggitaria, pigmy chain sword, saurarus, straight and twisted vals, glassos, and some others) and moderately populated (Blue Ram pair, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 3 Corys, 1 Brstlenose, 1 Otto, 26 neons and 20 harlequins.

I am currently running the AR980 filter and a Fluval 2 plus from my previous "two footer". The water chemistry appears good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, Ph 7, low nitrates and phosphates). The water in the "two footer" was crystal, but the water in the new tank has got little flecks like bubbles and seems brown/orangey (I believe tannins from a big bit of bogwood). I do 20% water changes twice a week, use aqua plus to condition water, add "cycle" every second day and am using Flourish and Flourish excel for the plants

I would welcome comment from other AR980 owners or those familar with this type of set-up. Are these AR internal filters adequate? Mine is set up as per instructions, how can there effectiveness be optimised? Should I consider a canister to go with the built-in filter or be a little more patient?

Thank you in anticipation!


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Hi There

I don't have an AR980 but I have the 5ft version of Aqua One, the wet and dry trickle filters are adequate in the Aqua One, but I also have a cannister filter running on the tank also. Just for the extra filtration.. and it also gives me peace of mind really, I always think, well if the pump running the wet and dry ever dies on me, at least I have my cannister running underneath :) You can stick with the inbuilt wet and dry solely but if you had a little extra money you would be willing to spend, a cannister also would be a plus :D

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I've owned an AR980 for about 18 months now and can vouch that the wet dry system is adequate even without any extra filtration IF you keep the filter intake clear of debris and do regular maintenance. I found that in heavily planted tanks, the decaying plant matter clogs intakes and causes problems quite often. I've replaced my stock intake guard for a sponge filter and need to maintain it regularly. I simply watch the output and can gauge the flow from the amount of bubbles going into the water.

Sounds like you have a VERY nice tank, congrats! All the additives you're using are great aside from the cycle. That is only needed for setting up a tank and shouldn't be required for more than a couple of weeks, provided your cycle is established. If you want to simplify things, a CO2 setup will replace the Flourish Excel, but does basically the same thing.

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Thanks for the advice, I think I'll persist with the current set up, make sure I keep the maintenance up and play around with some diffrent media in the intake in best TGWH fashion. B&K, do you find the water coming out of the filter stirs things up abit? I'd love to have Discus in the next year or so (If I can wait that long!) I think I might go down the external line when I make that decision.

Regards TGWH

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Okay, a lot of topics to cover. Your wet dry filter does up to 1200lph which is the entire tank 6 times per hour, so a canister filter isn't necessary. Wild discus are sensitive creatures that require huge amounts of filtration, but captive bred discus can be very hardy in comparison. Whatever filter you get, make sure that both hoses will fit through the rather small hole at the back of the AR980 (used for power cords for the powerhead for the hood filter) or you'll need to cut and I'd avoid that if possible.

To finish this up, I've been running an AR980 for over a year with only the wet dry filter and haven't had any problems at all (aside from the intake getting clogged at times). Heaps of breedings, lots of happy fish and plants. The output can stir things up, but use that spot for a chunk of driftwood and problem solved. Happy to help, best of luck with your new setup.

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I run an external on my bigger Aqua One tank simply because of the fact I have Jurupari and Suris.. who are forever sifting the fine substrate. I think an external is definately a personal choice, I have one because I like the fact that A) it is extra filtration (and I personally think you can never have too much filtration) and B) If the pump fails on the trickle system then I have my canister to fall back on.

Gannet, aren't you running one of those Aquis filters on your one? If so, the hosing is 25mm, so it must work fine for that huh :D

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Yup, if you have messy fish (or discus) an external is recommended. Never too much filtration, as Afrikan mentioned ;)

Here's a pic I just took of my AR980 in its current role as a plant, guppy and bristlenose propogation tank. No ferts, no CO2, no extra filtration.... just a basic AR980 with a sponge filter on the intake to prevent losing young fry.


This is the same tank over 18 months ago as my living room display tank. At this time I was running an external Fluval 204 with ferts and CO2. The hood filter was left clogged up and running just a trickle as it was too loud.



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Thank you for the advice, I appreciate the opportunity to run these issues by aquarists with your considerable experience. I know I'm only being impatient and the system will reach a happy equilibrium. I'll try and temper my impatience, not a good trait for a fishkeeper I imagine.

Blue&Kim, "O for awesome", can't wait to show you pictures of my set-up!

Regards, TGWH

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Yeah, I feel stink when I think about the fact that I'm going to have to shift all these plants soon and lose quite a bit of growth and "maturity". All these random tanks will soon be replaced for some proper plumbed and designed tanks for discus breeding. O course, some will naturally be used for plants, tho!

Evil - Cryptocoryne Balansae - http://www.tropica.dk/productcard_1.asp?id=125

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