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Apisto/dwarf cichlid setup


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Ok guys i couldn't resist and really should have looked into it a bit more but thought what the hell...

Got myself a pair of panduro, a pair of hongsloi and a few viejita dwarf cichlids and have them all in a couple of different tanks geting on fine etc but just wondered what the best way to go about breeding them is. How big a tank do you need?, fish ratio, pairs?, trios? etc. What decor they prefer and so on.

I have a rough idea but thought a few of you nice people out there could give me a few tips. This could even be a good place to show of your dwarf cichlid tank pics?

Neat little fish buy the way and thought it was about time i tried something new,

Cheers guys :D

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This is my setup for my A. bitaeniata, was the closest looking I could make it to the amazon river (from the video I saw of it) and they seem to like swimming through all the driftwood and java moss.


For breeding I would suggest a 60x30x30cm tank, but you can go smaller for a pair. Apisto's are not monogomous fish and the male will sleep around (he has a harem) so you can have multiple females spawning at once in the same tank (given they have enough space, apisto's can get very nasty and kill eachother). For your decor you should have some sort of dividers for the tank so the females can't see eachother when spawning. Plants are appreciated, as well as a fine gravel (they are eartheaters so like to sift through the gravel for food).

If you want to go even furthur, you could put peat in the tank; either in a stocking and dropped into the tank, or you could boil some up, let it settle, the pour the water into the tank. The peat will naturally lower the pH and soften the water, also gives it the water a tea coloured tinge (looks nice and natural).

Oh, and lastly congrats on the purchases, apisto's are awesome 8)

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I always start a pair of apistos in a 30x30x30 (60x30x30 with a glass devider siliconed in) bare, with just a sponge filter, clump of java moss and somthing to breed in (salt pot, flower pot etc), ive had alot of luck with this setup, but with some fsh it becomes obvious that they will need more hiding places (scrapping etc).

As Antwan said, Congrats on the purchases, you wont regret it 8)

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Hey thanks for that guys, do you reckon bare bottom or a fine gravel/sand would be better or does it not really matter and is just relative to the look you are goin for?

Yeah they are rad little fish, i put the viejitas in with my discus and panaques etc and was worried they would freak out as they monster over the dwarf cichlids but no way after a day they are out front of the tank fighting the plecs for food and chasing eachother around its funny to see.

Thanks again

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Yeah thats all clear as day, well not today it was bloody miserable (sorry, i work outside!)

Might have to go see ol phil then :wink:

If i had a camera that took decent pics and i could figure out how to post pics i definately would

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