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how to treat for parasites?


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hi roxston, i have not heard of that product can you tell me about who makes it and what are the ingridenets and what is it suppost to treat.in the mean time i always tell people to go to ww.dph/nl.the site has heaps of info on discus,i reccomend you take a look


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hi thanks for that this product is called furan-2 made by aquarium pharmaceuticals ingredients r 60mg Nitrofurazone, 25mg furazolidone,and 2mg methylene blue trihydrate it says on the front effective against a wide variety of gram positive and gram neg bacterial diseases of aquarium fish including furunculosis{Aeromonas] dropsy, gill disease, fin and tail rot, black molly desease. what do u think? :-?

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yes you r right ive just been reading about it on the web page i was given to look at, :cry: man dont the pet shops know anything. i did read that aparently you can use a bird wormer to treat for worms but dont know about parasites :-? . thanks for your help ill keep looking but be good to hear if you find anything two or anyone else thanks guys :D


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Use Cattle drench for the worms. You can buy small amounts from vets or farm supply outlets. You'll have to do the maths to work out how much to add to the tank. Your target concetration is approx 25ppm. Within 48 hours all the worms will be dead and so will the eggs in the gravel. So, only one treatment is usually required. Just as well because its a little hard on some fish, especially smaller tetras. The loss rate can be as high as 5%. The active ingredient is Levamisole. Make sure you get a non-mineralised form of drench. Do a 50% water change after 2 days.

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i will get some of that i think but first can u give me ur opinion about the fish as i know it is hard to make a diagnosis they have a lack of appetite to what they would normally eat and some have almost no appetite ,some of them have white fecies and are quite stresed looking as there colouration is darker than normal but not all fish we have 7 discus all vary in size also ive noticed that some of them shoot past the log in the tank scraping themselfs on it what do u think am i on the right path?

thanks again

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Maybe, maybe not. There might not be any parasites. If the water conditions are out a bit it may be irritating the fish externally and putting them off their food. I've had this happen before. Discus are very hardy and tolerate a lot but there are some things they don't like.

I used rainwater on my discus until one day they all turned black with stress. I tracked it down to pollution in the rainwater. Now I use RO instead.

Don't be too quick to conclude its parasites. Most medications are very hard on fish and prolonged use will shorten their life - especially copper based.

Have you done anything different to the tank? (Water, logs, food...)

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no i dont think ive done anything different the only thing i can think of is that there seems to be quite a bit of alge growing on the log which the fish seem to love eating? :-? apart from that i do water changes daily 40 litres of filtered water our tank is 200 liters could it be over crouding? as we have 7 discus in there and a couple of small baby clown loaches. i have done a standard ph test and the water normally nutrual although we have recently had a pair pair up and spawn on the glass of the tank so would that do it maybe? we have since then removed the pair and put them in a breeding tank so i was thinking the water conditions shouldent be that bad if they r trying to spawn?

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