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what do you like in your fish tanks?


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what sort of ornaments do you like?

do you put in fake ornaments or make a natural climate in there.

I prefer natural. I only ever use driftwood and rocks, but in the tank my Breeding BN are in a use pots

what sort of fish do you like to keep? and do you currently keep?

I like smaller fish, That dont eat plants :D Small cichlids are one of my favs. And angels, i like angels :) I currently have pencilfish, harlequins, black angels, altum angels, BN, corys, kribensis, keyholes an platys


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I'm relatively new to the hobby so still sort of learning what I like and don't like.

what sort of ornaments do you like?

do you put in fake ornaments or make a natural climate in there.

I used to put all sorts of ornaments in my tanks, such has treasure chests, old diving masks that sort of thing, but I've recently chucked all those out and opted for driftwood. I like it, it looks so much more natural and the fish really seem to enjoy it. I like real plants too.

what sort of fish do you like to keep? and do you currently keep?

I really like loaches, especially clown loaches, never had any cos don't have a big enough tank yet, but I do have Zebra loaches, they are such cool little fellas. I also like Rainbow Sharks, I currently have one, did have another one a few years ago but he died after an unfortunate incident involving the heater accidentally getting unplugged. The rest of the fish I currently have is:

Silvertip Tetras

Cardinal Tetras

Black Neon Tetras

Bronze Corydoras

Zebra Loaches

Rainbow Shark

In the past I've had Gourami's, Platys, Neon Tetras and Glowlight Tetras

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I like river rocks and slate rock, and driftwood. I dont like fake ornaments although I use terrecotta pots to help with breeding in some tanks.

Fish we have here:

Community fish:

6 Neon Tetra

Around 200 Platys

5 Zebra Danio

3 Leopard Danio

5 Pearl Danio (conditioning for breeding atm)

2 Red Bettas (male/female)

3 Clown Loaches

1 Siamese Algae Eater

2 Dwarf Gourami

2 Kissing Gourami


5 Oscar Cichlids (fish that audibly chew with teeth are awesome!)

12 Angel Cichlids (Angelfish, 1 breeding pair of Koi Marble)

8 Firemouth Cichlids (1 M/F pair, rest singles)

3 Festivium Cichlids (1 M/F pair, and 1 single girl)

2 Kribensis (M/F pair, I have about 40-50 fry in a 30L tank atm)

2 Gold Severums (Breeding Pair)

1 huge Green Severum


5 Golden Bristlenose

2 Redspot Plecs (15 and 25cm)

1 common Plec (30cm)

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I hate ornaments in tanks (terracotta pots for breeding don't count) and prefer the natural look in decor and colour. Also dislike unnatural colours in gravel - eg blue (no offence to those who like it, it is my personal opinion only)

I like a tank with lots of smaller fish, like barbs and tetras, rather than a few large ones.

Currently down to one tropical community with tetras, barbs, gouramis, hoplos and bristlenoses.

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I don't like ornaments either. Fake plants are acceptable if necessary. for example, I have fake plants in my axolotl and my puffer tanks because real plants would be up-rooted. All my other tanks are natural.... my favourite fish are bright-active fish (killies etc), big carnivorous fish (like my puffer) and marine fish

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when i first setup my first tank it had heaps a fake stuff in it, now they gone and i use wood, plants and stuff

i prefer big fish aka oscars, so i also use a few fake plants still

i also like big terracotta pipes too, the oscars and other cichilds love swimming though them and hiding in there.

i have a little bit rock work but for my bigger fish it dosnt really turn out to well as i dont have many big rocks.

my africans have coral rock tho and it looks sweet!

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I like a mix of driftwood and some ornaments. In my 4 ft tank I kind of set it up like a flooded jungle type thing so I have driftwood and also a fake croc, two easter island statues and a broken jug. In my little 60litre tank I have a castle.

Both tanks have plants and I really have a disliking for fake plants.

I have small schools of tetras etc and then medium sized fish like angels and gouramis. Tried discus once but they died and I found them to be very timid, so opted for angels instead, cheaper and they are more active.

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I personally love natural, and don't use fake plants. My deco all depends exactly on the fish. I only use natural colour stones/river stones, dolomite rocks, driftwood and for some of my fish that prefer a safe cover or their own "cave", terracotta pots.

As far as fish go, the more personality, the better. I generally opt for aggressive or high maintenance freshwater, the bigger the better. :D

I keep in their respective homes:

3 x Palembang Puffers - river stone, 5 terracotta pots (territorial issues), large marble queen (as they like to lay on the large leaves), other assorted low growing plants only

1 x Polypterus palmas, 1 x Lovestruck Opaline Gourami, 3 x baby BN, 1 x Whiptail, many ramshorns - riverstone, lots of plants, oddly stacked rocks so theres lots of cubby holes, and assorted small driftwood, everything cluttered up and cozy in a haphazard way

9 x Frontosa - Nothing but Dolomite chip, calcite and dolomite rock for 6 feet. :lol: Pointless having plants I have found.

1 x Red Devil Cichlid - So far the only thing surviving is the terracotta pots that he hangs out in and his favourite piece of driftwood. He also has river stone, which ends up in random piles as he feels the need.

1 x Convict (looking for a new home with a partner), 1 x Yellow spot plec - These are in the spare tank, set up for anything that comes my way and needs a home - riverstone, marbled queen, 1 x terracotta pot, medium assorted driftwood, stacked rocks for cover.

9 x Assorted Bettas in individual tanks throughout, riverstone and very small terracotta pots in each one for a bit of a "home base".

I'm kind of going through a "bigger is better" phase, which means I will be getting rid of my smaller tanks and going for larger ones instead. Larger tanks, larger fish.. :bounce: :lol:

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I prefer tanks to be natural, but do like tastefully done ornaments - like Evil Elmo's example above - great! :bow:

My two tanks have driftwood, rocks and plants.

The work tank is more fake - white gravel and a fake driftwood ornament. But seeing as how the angels just succesfully spawned on it, I'm not complaining too much! :D

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