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Hi all :cry:

Had to be in Te Awamutu for job interviews today, so left yesterday early afternoon to visit family and so I did not have to drive up early this morning. Got back this evening and went to fishroom to check on and feed my finned mates. Have a four foot devided and use it for breeding, all fish are floating belly up and those still moving is upside down. Water temp 37 degrees and heater going hard out. The thermometer stuck and not switching off. Saved on pair of rams, one eunotus male and my bristlenoses. Lost a pair of rams , 2 eunotus females and pair of cockatoos. :cry::cry::cry: The heater is only 6 months old and is not one of the cheapest on the market, should have stuck to the brands I know. To buy cheaper is buying expensive in this case. :evil: :evil: :cry::cry:

Does anyone know if any of the heaters got a "fail safe" system in them. If it shut off automatically when it got to 30 degrees it would have prevented it and my fish would have been sweet, the heat from the other tanks will keep it at about 24 degrees with no heater.

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So sorry that happened Malawiman.. there are no heaters on the market (or here anyway) that have a "fail safe" system unfortunately :(

You can make your own.. using a thermostatically controlled switch, however, I guess it is too late for that now :(

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What a bummer.

I really feel for you and you loss.

The only way that I know of that is ALMOST (nothing is) failsafe, is to put another thermostat, in line with the heater/stat and set it at a slightly higher temp.

When/if you see the warning light on this spare stat working, you know the other heater/stat is having problems.

Another one, that gives you a bit of time, is to have two heater/stats of low wattage, so that if one doesn't cut out, the other will, and you'll only have the one smaller one doing the heating.

Just saves a bit of time, and not what I'd call a safe method.

But better than one powerful heater.

I lost my pacus to a BIG heater.

Alan 104

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Another failsafe method (other than dodgy wiring it is failsafe, but nothing will be 100% failsafe) is a temperature controller. Wouldnt be worth it for several small breeding tanks or anything, but for a big tank with lots of livestock (like a marine tank or something) they will save ALOT of $$

So sorry to hear about your loss, I found the heater in my baby Altum angel tank stuck on the other day, but the tank was only at 32 degrees when i noticed it, the fish LOVED the high temp for some reason and were VERY active looking for more food....

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oh man, sorry to hear about your loss. I was thiking about it the other day as the days seems to get hotter and wondering if the tanks will be too hot for them..

I guess we can never be too careful, especially when depending on technology.

Sorry for your loss again, hope you cheer up :wink:

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So sorry to hear about that man, if theres any fish I have here not that I have much in the way of the fish you want until my rams or cockatoo's breed let me know and ill help you out..

One of my many projects is to design a temperature controller that controls mulitple tanks and heaters and shuts them off when a set temp is reached etc but haven't got around it to yet..

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Thanks guys. I'll have to do something to prevent it. Will talk to one of my sparky mates, might have a clever idea. Don't think it's the heat that got them, but oxygen. Luckily it was not my 5 ft cichlid tank. Ryan, those little ice blues are nearly double in size and going well, thanks for that.

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Thanks :oops:

If you have a look at the pic I posted on my Panduro thread, you'll see one of those thermostats also, that I refer to above.

It is just the same as one in a heater, without the heating element.

Your fish would have died from the over heating.

Although the waters oxygen content does drop as the temp. rises.

Alan 104

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Not sure that brand has anything to do with it. There will always be a dud product, even in the best of them. Just one of those things. It should be covered warranty though so you can get a replacement, even if it doesn't cover the fish losses :cry:

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