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Aquarium dudes new tank

Aquarium Dude

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Ahhhhhh you are doing asian theme :D Sorry my bad :oops:

Golden Algae Eaters.. I used to have two ages ago now, and they would damage my sword plants something chronic :lol: After sucking on a leaf, the leaf after a while starts to thin out and perish :lol: Definately not a fan of the things, cute but pain in the butt attitude..

Bettas, Barbs, Loaches and Gouramis are fine :D And Harlequin Rasboras are beautiful.. you will love them!

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You go with what works for you :D The fish you have are fine, however just keep an eye on the Barbs.. we have had a large school of barbs and they kept to themselves, and argued amongst themselves, however, we never kept Bettas in with them.. so never had the chance to see whether or not they were taken by fancy fins being in a large school or not! ;)

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Dont get too ahead of yourself. You can't just stock your tank all at once anyway, best to get a few here and a few there, and take it as you go. It'll make owning an aquarium a lot more fun in the long run.

Dont get golden/chinese algae eaters, they are an outright nasty fish!(sorry I just really hate them), I have a Dwarf Gourami that has the scars to show why, my other fish have healed up though. Bristlenose, or Golden Bristlenose (GBAs) stay small and do a great job of algae cleaning without trying to eat the slime coat of other fish. I'd recommend getting at least one as soon as you see algae starting to grow. These are one of the hardest working catfish you'll meet.

I wouldn't put barbs in a tank with a Male Betta. My guy has a big enough problem with Platys and Neons! I doubt you'll ever see him with proper finnnage, it'll always be torn.

I also recommend the dwarf gourami, we only have two, but they've proven to be a great addition to our community tank and both have very different personalities and bright colourations. I love the little thing they do with their feelers, I saw my two wacking each other with them the other day, was hilarious to watch.

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Updated list...

6x blue gourami

6xGolden blue gourami

6xHoney Gourami

6xSunset Gourami

10x Khuli loach

10x Harlequein Rasbora

8x Golden tiger barb

8x Green tiger barb

6x Golden Bristle nose

How about this?

Rasboras first, followed by barbs, then Gba, loaches, and finnally each type of gourami in seperate trips. :lol:

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Bristlenose/GBAs should not munch plants. I have 5 in my planted tank (~10cm), never had any problems with holes. Local community fish tank the UHAS looks after has several adult bristlenose and about 100 babies now :roll: but plants are doing great, nothing being eaten, maybe it depends on the plant? I was recommended them tho for not eating plants.

Can't say the same for my common plec though, had a 50cm tall Borneo Sword, looks like a mess now :evil: No more plants in that tank.

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