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nibbled fins


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Tell me someone Betta Splendid if there fins have been nibbled at by one little naughty fish will his fins grow back they were so long whan I first got him naughty seems to be leaving him alone now he hasn't done too much damage just nibbled about 1/4 of an inch off cheers Joy :bow:

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I can't remember what sort of fish he is I actually have 4 of them they are silver and black have a sort of a roundish body there bottom fin is black and starts at the middle of the body and goes to the tail tail is silver the the top fin is also black the other black parts are 2 stripes running down from behind the head to the belly the fish are about an inch or a little more long

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haha god I hate Black Widow Tetras, I haven't had them for years but when I did they were nippers.

Best to take the widows back, or setup a little tank for your Betta. You can also just leave them to it, my Betta always has nipped fins, just got to make sure he's not getting stressed out by it, or beaten up as such.

We got our red fighter for our platty tank, but he got a little too vicious too quickly, so we put him in our community which has adult angel fish etc, he stands up for himself quite well though, and knows to avoid the front side of the angels. Its in a 4 foot tank though so he has lots of room. Fins are a little nipped but nothing too worrying. If you want him to have perfect finnage you'll definately need to get him his own tetraless tank!

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He is not stressed my tank is just over 4ft and he seems to be able to get away from them and he does stand up for himself it doesn't really seem to bother him all that much his fins were really beautiful when I first got him best looking Betta in the shop I am still thinking on what to do maybe take the tetra's back I think there is only 1 or 2 doing it my Betta is always out in front of the tank he never hides I have 5 plattys,5 cardinals,2 cat fish,2 sucker fish,2 clown loaches,and 3 sword fish they are all happy

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