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Hello All From The Wellywood Shire


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Hi All, Have had Tropicals for a while but am new here (obviously) :roll:

Am looking to breed Kribensis in the new year, when I obtain my new Tank

Have a 4ft tank at the mo with a few neons, zebra danios, cherry barbs, gold barbs, dwarf pearl rainbow fish, pepper cat, two loaches not sure what sort( i call then sucking loaches, they are brown tho, might be algae eaters.), khoolie loach, and a couple of silver tip tetris.

this 4ft tank will become my breeding tank next year, any information on the breeding of kribensis would be appreciated.

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Hi and welcome to a great place.

I myself had no trouble breeding Kribs. Ended up with over 300 of the little beggars! Proved to be a little difficult to get rid of. :lol:

Just give them an upturned terracotta pot with a small chip taken out for access (smooth the rough edges) and they do the rest. I only put a little bit of moss in the bottom as it was easier to clean without sucking any babies up the syphon tube.

I also had success breeding them by giving them a log that gave them access to the underside of it. they seem to like being hidden away. They keep the babies hidden for quite some time (about two weeks for my ones) before you see them out and about. They are very protective of their babies and if you have anything else in the tank it will be kept well away from then toddlers. They can get very vicious so beware for any of the other tank mates.

the colours they show when in full breeding condition are just beautiful and the care they take of their babies leaves some of us humans in the dust! :o

Good luck and keep us informed.

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