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Oxygen weed-is it too competitve with other plants?


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Does it interfere too much with other plants growths in a tank. Given it is a fast growing plant, if I have more sensitive plants in the tank, will it suck up too much of the nutrients?

It is just the oxygen weed seems to be growing much faster than the other plants.

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Tropical. 24 C.

At the moment Im nipping off the oxy weed when ever it gets to the surface ( to about 2/3 of the height.).

If you ask me what lights I got-I was having whatever the purple light that came originally with the fitting (2 of them) and 2 cool daylight white (6500K)( 30W time 4), and bit of non direct sunlight througha small widow which is right next to the tank. Since today I have taken off the original purple lighting and put on a Gro lux and a 3000K with the 2 daylight whites.

Not into CO2..... yet....

I dont know the names of the other plants. 6 other different kinds. 1 month since starting the tank.

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