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Sump and aging drum (Freshwater)

Aquarium Dude

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Aging water is a way to get rid of the chlorine and/or chloramines in the water. They evaporate out after a few hours. Also, you can pre-heat water when aging it so your fish dont get shocked at all with water changes.

Sumps are used in freshwater, mainly to hide equipment, add more volume and give more space for media. Canisters should not be used to pump water from a sump up to a tank as this puts too much head pressure on them. Canisters are designed to be used with no head (intake and out-take at same level)


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For a 475L main tank, i wouldnt use a sump any smaller than 100L's, just because, if the power goes off, you need to have enough room in your sump to have some water drain into until the level gets low enough for the syphon to break. How to arrange it, well if it was me i would have a wet dry trickle tower, with course sponge in top, then filter wool, then bioballs. Then going into some baffles incase of bubbles (heaters in the baffles) then the return pump section on the other side of the baffles. Very simple yet effective setup in a freshwater tank.

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For a 475L main tank, i wouldnt use a sump any smaller than 100L's, just because, if the power goes off, you need to have enough room in your sump to have some water drain into until the level gets low enough for the syphon to break

unless you had a non-return valve on the sump to tank pipe :lol: now were talking!

yep wet and dry. go for a triccle filter through filter mat, then bio-filtration, then filter mat again(with small trickle holes in the bottom of each tray) then this can sit above the main part of your sump(wich will now act more as a holding device than a filter (thats my reccomendations anywhay- they will probarbly be refuted by other, wiser people on this site :lol: :lol:

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why not just hook the cannister up to the main tank and forget about a sump if you want to do that? why do you want a holding tank. in my eyes you would probarbly do better this way as it wouldn't cost anywhere near as much with the same filtration...

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I would say an aging bin is a good investment. I got a big bin (it says 120L, but i think it's more lie 90-100 for $36) and just put a heater and pond pump with a large, thick hose about 4m long to reach all the tanks. After I've emptied the tank I put the hose in the tank and turn the pump on. When that's finished I fill the aging bin up again, and the process is repeated the next day.

Much better than lugging buckets and im sure the fish enjoy the water going in at the same temp (if not slightly lower).

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Yea, you don't need dechlorinator as the chlorine evaporates by itself.

All I have is the heater so that creates convection currents in the water which must be enough because the fish don't seem to notice anything when the new water goes into the tank.

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