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Hi there my partner and I are fairly new to the fishy side of life. I brought a 3 foot tank for her birthday in August and we are slowley increasing our numbers. We have got some Tetra's, Catfish, Sailfin Mollies, Platties, Killy fish, and a plec. We are looking at getting into the breeding side of things mainly to cover the cost of food and the excitment of having babies that dont cost a fortune and you dont have to look after them till they are 18......

We are in Christchurch.

P.S the cat loves the new Plasma Screen TV... she sits in front of the tank most of the day.

Looking forward to making some new friends with common interests.


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Welcome to the fishroom! What sort of killies do you have and where did you find them? They are not often found in shops. Many killies do better in a species only tank.

Good luck breeding enough to cover fish food expenses :wink:

By the way, that plec might live 18 years :lol: Won't need a university education though. Goldfish can live for 30 years.

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Make sure your tank is well covered or you wont have your killies

What sort are they, breed? species?

Some are okies in a community tank, depends what fish are in the com. tank.

But killiphiles prefer single species tanks for breeding purposes, the females of similar species are almost unidentifiable from their other types, so that stops them from being hybridized having them single tanked.


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thanks for all of your welcomes!.. :D

My partner was on the site earlier and has asked a few more questions we have so hopefully we should get some help on a few things... we think we had a pair of Aphyosemion scheeli that we got from our LFS.. unfortunately the male killy has since died :cry: so we are in the hunt for a new one.. we cant get one until the new year from our store....

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