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Liquid Prazi


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Can anyone answer these questions about using liquid prazi for gill flukes?

Where is a good place to buy some in Auckland? And what is the cost/volume/dose?

How many times do you need to dose? And how often?

Are there any problems associated with its use?

Is there some things that shouldn't be used at the same time e.g. fertilisers, other medications?

Does it work on any other parasites or diseases?

Any other advice?

Thanks in Advance :hail::bow:

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liquid prazi is extremely expensive, your looking into the hundreds for a 1L bottle im told :o i personally dont know of anywhere to buy it but i aquired some off a friend.

there are many treatments around, i suggest doing some research and picking the one that suits you best. normally two or more treatments are required. make sure you dose properly- flukes seem to be able to become immune to it over time and if that happens you may need to look at less safe options. what type of fish are you treating?

i dont think there are many problems that come with usage if you treat correctly. it is a very safe med and wont harm your bio filter.

unsure about using prazi with other additives.

it works on gill/body flukes and tapeworm (which i think is from the roundworm species? it does all of that species of worm).

the pain in the bum thing about flukes is you need to dose the whole tank that they are in, removing them to treat wont help as the eggs will still be in the filter, substrate etc.

good luck :)

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drontal is a bit hit and miss though, some people use it without problems while others will find it kills every occupant in the tank so you would need to decide whether you could risk losing them all or not.

i wouldnt reccomend it because it has other ingredients which i dont think have any benefit to your fish and there are much other safer drugs out there, even if they are more expensive (most arent more expensive than a tank full of fish!)

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dogmatix can you tell us more about the drug you use and where you obtain it from etc?

Haven't heard of any problems using Praziquantel, from all accounts it's a safe drug to use on fish and very effective. I like treating the whole tank, and nailing worms and flukes at the same time. Trouble is getting hold of the stuff. Definitely is best to redose to make sure all stages of the fluke are killed.

As an aside, there's suspicions that using flubendazole (worm killer) can cause tail standing and may lead to death here: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=30488

Of course you always want to make sure you dose correctly with any medication. For Prazi you will more than likely have to source it from your vet and they'll want to see the affected fish. Then if they don't know I've heard of them rining the LFS lol :roll:

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luke*- i was enquiring about flubendazole a while back and after reading many articles, both on simplydiscus and on other sites i found tail standing wasnt too common. it was suspected the solvents used may be the cause as most people who experienced problems used a liquid form.

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