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yellow tang on trademe


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that sounds like a nice job.

I think we will go around and around, but I still think there is a place for both, like most business, you can always find something cheaper, no matter what the product, but then, I am sure that you are aware, that no matter what the product ie dog, cat bird, fresh water/marine. there is always someone doing it privately, and yet you are sucessful at it.

I do understand your point, and like you, I am in business, and have to deal with the lower price situation all the time, but it would not be business if it was not there.... keeps us all honest I spose.

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Several of my customers have commented that they were being offered the same stock i was being sold. How is this good for the hobby? How is this good business?

I probably sell more marines on a daily basis than any of the suppliers or shops and have seen a huge drop in my regular customer base, i have also seen the new stock in my customers tank and know where it has come from . Still good for the hobby ?

Ps not targeting you just blowing off STEAM

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Shouldnt they reduce the price and stock levlels to you, so you can clear the stock and pass that onto the consumer, if you had the retail support which the supplier seemed to it wouldnt have been a problem and no direct sales. Infact when this did happen i DID buy all the stock and it WORKED very well for everyone.

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good question

most. I am in fire and general, so you have direct lines verse broker. So, there are no other products.

What we have to our great advantage is our experience, able to listen and make recommendations as to the best solutions. Nothing is never too much of a problem.

If you want price only, there will always be a cheaper solution, you cant get away from it.

Just a thought, rather than a specific.... is there another reason your sales have dropped? It would nice if you were able to get some feed back from customers.


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Maybe you should support the local & private buzz instead of been soo loyal to a retail pet store chain :-? surely jansens pays you by the hour and not by commission? hence.... what do you care if a fellow reefer saves a buck or two ?. You know how expensive this hobby is :P

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Maybe you should support the local & private buzz instead of been soo loyal to a retail pet store chain :-? surely jansens pays you by the hour and not by commission? hence.... what do you care if a fellow reefer saves a buck or two ?. You know how expensive this hobby is :P

I did try to support the local private biz you are probably talking of

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Well I have been reading along this thread and I still support Jansens and Hollywood with the live stock and fish (remember big boy $350) the truth is yes I like to be able to go into a shop and browse for fish and corals :lol: but my tanks are at their limits just waiting on an Anemone I swapped with Pies then I think that’s about all I can fit for now I was going to add a sixline wrasse but my nitrates say I can't :(

But I am dammed if I will spend $1000 it cost me one year to replace the MH bulbs when I can get them a lot cheaper if I couldn't get them in NZ cheaper than $1000 I would source from overseas anyway.

And how much would an AP 850 Deltec Skimmer cost in the shops?

Get my point :lol:

As for cal / mag / etc I buy from Medchem because I need so much if I had a small tank I would still buy from the shop like I do the carbon by the sack but that lasts for about a year.

The problem I can see here is that you have another importer of corals that has started up and from what I can gather Jansen and Hollywoods won't buy off him for what ever reason.

So he has to sell it some where!! put a deal on the table with him that he doesn't sell live stock private and I am sure the problem for the shop would go away if both stay true to their word.

Rotorua is going to start importing in the new year he told me so that will only add to the problems.

You can't stay stubborn and then cry when it hurts and that goes for everyone!!

I don't think it is fair to blame this site it does a lot of good in helping people.

The problem is at your feet to sort out but is that going to happen don't think so but wish it would hate is a bad thing.

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