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yellow tang on trademe


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so guys are you trying to say that fish that have been in a persons tank for a year should sell at a premium to a recent import shop fish?

It cost what it cost and it cost what someone is willing to pay.

Just because it is in someone tank does not mean it is healthier than a recently imported fish as moving fish from an existing tank can cause stress which in turn can reduce the fish’s immune system.

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It cost what it cost and it cost what someone is willing to pay.

Just because it is in someone tank does not mean it is healthier than a recently imported fish as moving fish from an existing tank can cause stress which in turn can reduce the fish’s immune system.

I sold my flame angel about 9 months ago. I had had it for almost 2 years and never had a problem.

It died in its new tank a week later.

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you seem very defensive about anything that goes againts your current

importer/lfs situation.

ie, your last comment about profitable... you tell us how selling on trademe for more than you paid for it, with zero advertising costs etc can not be profitable.

Reef, I value your input, but when you try to defend a position of justification, I feel disappointed in you.

Stay honest to yourself, and keep away form political agendas :)

Look forward to your insite on other threads Reef.



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What agenda?

I was looking at the bigger picture not tunnel vision like some.

It is hardly profitable to sell fish on TM as a business as it is not profitable in nz with a minuscule market. Anyone who suggests that it is profitable doesn’t really have much concept of what profitable is. Maybe making a few dollars is profitable for some when they don’t pay GST and tax on items sold :wink:

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I cant quite see how you can say that a lower price is not good for the hobbie?

I have purchase alot from Hollywood, and I am sure that there are alot of newbies who started out at a LFS, paying full price, and happy with that. I still am. I would pay full price for things if they had them in stock, but I find stock levels very low, or, if you are not there on the day or two they arrive, it is all gone. I got very dissapointed in the early stages of the hobbie finding stock levels very low.

Maybe they should buy up all the stock and then we would not be able to look elsewhere.

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sorry, not sure what you mean. How can you buy up all the stock if it is only from one supplier? That is not all the stock.

I am fairly new to all of this. Why, if there was a shortage of stock, from the one suppler, did you not purchase off the other supplier/suppliers, and maintain a position of strength based on service, supply and technical knowledge?

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I would pay full price for things if they had them in stock, but I find stock levels very low, or, if you are not there on the day or two they arrive, it is all gone. I got very dissapointed in the early stages of the hobbie finding stock levels very low.

Curentenly in stock at Jansens Mt Eden


Ocopus coral *2

Green Hammer *2

Greenfrogspawn *1

Green Torch *1




Finger coral


Colt Coral

Kenya Tree


Asst Brain

meat coral

Asst musrooms

Asst Leathers

Asst Button polyps


E quadricolour

H Crispa

SEVERAL OTHER CORALS (cant remember them all off the top of my head) Infact alot more corals

Do you want the fish list too ?

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