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You do learn quite alot when they are in the ring :D Makes you go and check out what they are writing, most people would agree i think.

And its fun :D

DITTO! i must say i really enjoy these discussions, only while there polite but i have learnt a thing or to, and its good to have both sides to an opinion, not to mention the entertainment factor :lol:

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And its fun :D

I don't mind it when there are genuine discussions going on. But in this case from the outset wasp was intent on causing an argument. He admitted that he intentionally posted something in a way which was misleading, and admitted he knew that he wasn't portraying the true meaning of it.

Even after I clarified it in this very thread, he still persisted in arguing it. It's just rediculous.

That's not in the spirit of these discussion forums. Then he went running to a mod when I called his bluff. :-? I would suggest wasp take a hard look at himself and his behaviour here. I still haven't got an explanation for why he did this yet.


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We'll it's been removed now. But that's what wasp said. He said he knew that that wasn't the intended meaning, yet still persisted in posting it, even AFTER I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and clarified things.

That's not in the spirit of sensible discussion.


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lduncan wrote:

You know I don't think the issue is whether fish are getting overfed, it's more how much food your tank can handled without nutrients becoming a problem.

There is nothing wrong with dumping a boat load of food in, so long as you have the ability to get the majority of the uneaten stuff out before it becomes a problem. The dangerous thing is letting food sit and rot. That's when the nutrients become an issue.

I think that a lot of people don't fed enough. I also think it's a bit strange when people stop feeding to try and control nutrient problems. The problem isn't that your feeding too much, it's that your system is not removing enough crap fast enough.



In other words since I was stupid enough to add another fish that grows huge and eats heaps I will now have to spend more money and time getting rid of the waste in my system that was already over loaded.

The skimmer I am running is probably under size for my system :( going to install a nitrate fludiser thingy to see how that goes and I am playing around at feeding times to see if the fish need as much as I am putting in.

If they do then I won't reduce it, but I have already found out that they only need half of the nori I was putting in for the last half of it they didn't really want it but eat it anyway :lol:


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In other words since I was stupid enough to add another fish that grows huge and eats heaps I will now have to spend more money and time getting rid of the waste in my system that was already over loaded.

The skimmer I am running is probably under size for my system :( going to install a nitrate fludiser thingy to see how that goes and I am playing around at feeding times to see if the fish need as much as I am putting in.

If they do then I won't reduce it, but I have already found out that they only need half of the nori I was putting in for the last half of it they didn't really want it but eat it anyway :lol:


Thats sums it up nicely.

You see why people say it is easier to run a tank with a few fish :D

Don't think you listened that day Fay. :D

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We'll it's been removed now. But that's what wasp said. He said he knew that that wasn't the intended meaning, yet still persisted in posting it, even AFTER I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and clarified things.

That's not in the spirit of sensible discussion.


Layton this whole attack on me is based on your assumption that I misquoted you. Stop being so precious.

I have already told you that I was not quoting you at all.

Therefore it was not nessecary for you to continue the attack, but you kept going anyway, with post after post of it.

Contrary to your claim I am trying to argue, I have been saying I do not want to be drawn into another of your stupid arguments, but you insist. You are so argumentative, bitter, and twisted, that you cannot even see this.

What was deleted was because of your abuse, and the fact I complained to the moderator about it. As you, and the moderator know.

You are obsessed with me. This is starting to look like harrasment.

Get over it.

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I can assure you that is the case. Stop being so precious, as you have been told before, "it is not all about you".

If I was quoting you, so what? But as I have repeatedly told you, I was not quoting you. You leapt to the wrong assumption again. Does that make you happy?

I have mentioned before your overbloated opinion of yourself, your new avatar speaks volumes.

And as I keep telling you I have no interest in continuing your bitter and twisted argument.

You are obsessed with me.

Get over it.

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That's the most mature thing you've said through your whole attack.

Next time THINK before starting such juvenile behaviour.

What about doing something useful and responding to the other thread with some info on the redfeild ratio. I know that is something you ARE good at, and I give you full credit for your knowledge in that regard.

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