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fungus I think


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Hi I have a problem with my rainbows. They have what looks like a bit of mouth fungus and a couple of growing spots on their body as well. They are constantly displaying what I think is spawning behaiviour and are alway bunting and making close contact.

I have isolated them in a hospital tank - as well as an unaffected rainbow, it was freaking out too much on its own. I have been treating them with Masterpet Antiseptic several days now with no effect, it seems to be getting worse.

I have some Methylene blue 1% here. Should I change to that?

Any advise would be great. No other fish appear to be affected

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Drop the Antiseptic and go with the Methylene blue following the directions on the bottle. Antiseptic is only any good for bacterial infections while the Methylene blue is best for fungus and ich.

My rainbows are always butting each other but its only the males that do it. Kind of a "I'm stronger then you" sort of game. With the female they flashed a brilliant yellow from the dorsal fin and down their heads (thus the name rainbow?) and shimmer up against her.

Keep us informed on how it goes

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Thanks guys :D

I am trying the Methylene blue at the moment - problem is the only instructions are to use 5ml to 90 litres. So I have adjusted accordingly but do not know how often to use it.

It been 2 days and the rainbows mouths are looking better but the big spot on the tail is still there.

I think that I should do a water change and treat again- is that correct?

Hopefully this works. I,ve heard melafix is great but can,t get it till payday :roll:

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