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northland chic

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I have three angels that are about 8-9cm inlcuding tail. Two of them are quite fat and always have their papillia thing sticking out, then I have a black marbled one who is noticeably skinner but picks on the other 2. Do you think i have a pair? I was thinking about getting one or two more to see if anything happens. Do you think it would be wise? I have a few baby ones I bought of trade me, one of them is about 4cm. Do you think I could put him in with the big ones or would they beat on him too.

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Next time they start laying, keep a light on. Only needs to be a small one. Is there anything else in the tank with them? If it is just the 3 angels, hopefully the pair will protect their eggs from the third and then leave them alone themselves. I sometimes wonder whether having other fish in the tank keeps the pair so busy defending together that they are less likely to eat the eggs.

Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday afternoon I noticed my pair spawning again, this time on the actual pump. I only had the pair and a male bristlenose catfish in there because I took the other angel out last time they spawned and never got around to putting anyone back in there. Was thinking about putting in the blue gourami hes quite big and could withstand a beating I would think whereas the other angel that was in there was getting tatty fins. Anyway I was going to leave the eggs in there but then I saw the male bristlenose trying to eat them and the angels beating him up. But the funny thing was he turned around and started having a go at them. So I have put them in a 2ft tank with an undergravel filter and airstone. I have tried to use corner filters (the ones with charcoal and wool) before for baby fish and they have got sucked in.

What a great week it has been. Silver tips spawned for the second time since I had them. Danios and goldfish spawned on Saturday and now angels on Monday. Next time I will have to be prepared and get another tank ready for silver tips.

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Hi Chic from Northland,

Bit of info here might help.

http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/grumpy ... tions.html

Personally I would move the BN out, and the Gourami, plus add something for them to spawn on that you can remove if needed... like a piece of 40mm plastic pipe set at an angle.

They often eat a few batches at first, mainly due to ongoing threats from other fish, or just through inexperience. Once they start... BOY.. get those other tanks ready.. coz you'll need them :):)

You might find the gravel and the UG a prob later on as well, as the fry are pretty weak in the early stages and can get lost in the substrate.

As Caryl mentioned... Sponge filters are ideal.

Don't forget the Brine Shrimp as mentioned above :)

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Not unusual NC.. The young fella may have missed a few with his milt... but they will clear them off at the first move they make when they re-locate the fry just after the wriggling stage.

If they "all" fungus... you could have two females.. (now girls... What have you been up to :)

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Best results we had with spawning Angels is to have them in a separate tank with just a sponge filter going and some slate or a terracotta pot (turned upside down). Once the fry are free swimming we have taken them out and put them into a tank of their own again, with just a sponge filter, so grown on.

You will get a lot of losses with the undergravel as the fry do get sucked into the stones. The sponge filters are very cheap .. only $12 approx for a double one but we just use a single one in a our tank and that was under $10.

We have only ever taken the eggs out once rather than waiting for the fry to free swim. By leaving them the parents do the all the cleaning, air circulation etc much better than we can. I always try and leave some fry behind to let the parents 'fuss' over something. Invariably they eat them when they are ready to lay again.

Hope you have good results as they are such fun to watch grow.

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