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yeha spirulina is the best for them but it does give them the spotness, have witnessed it myself when we changed there food to spirulina pellets once... dots appeared and then switched them back cause we couldnt afford it again and they disappeared. i think cichlid-forum.com has an aritcle on it.

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so it is.. :)


So then, what foods are best? A quality vegetable flake food (like those containing Spirulina) by itself is all that's needed. Note, Spirulina is rich in protein and should not be fed alone. If you use a pure Spirulina flake, mix it with another type of flake. By mixing the Spirulina with other ingredients, like fish meal, you will achieve a more balanced and desirable diet. Spirulina is an excellent source of Phycocyanin, which is the blue pigment derived from blue-green algae, but for yellow or red fishes to show their best color, additional vitamin sources must be provided. Furthermore, fish fed too much Spirulina, may in fact develop dark, irregular spots or stains along their sides, called Spirulina spots.
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Here is teh extract from cichlid-forum

So then, what foods are best? A quality vegetable flake food (like those containing Spirulina) by itself is all that's needed. Note, Spirulina is rich in protein and should not be fed alone. If you use a pure Spirulina flake, mix it with another type of flake. By mixing the Spirulina with other ingredients, like fish meal, you will achieve a more balanced and desirable diet. Spirulina is an excellent source of Phycocyanin, which is the blue pigment derived from blue-green algae, but for yellow or red fishes to show their best color, additional vitamin sources must be provided. Furthermore, fish fed too much Spirulina, may in fact develop dark, irregular spots or stains along their sides, called Spirulina spots.

Whole aritcle can be read at


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