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lake malawi


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That report is pretty old, but the polution problem, algae, weed...is still the same. On a brighter note, since the report the nile perch catch numbers have decreased. The nile perch have had to rely on turning on each other for food with the depletion of cichlid stocks. So hopefully Nile perch numbers will continue to decrease.

Polution is the big problem, another problem is that species cross breed. Murky water means the females can not tell males of similar species apart.

Nile perch for those that don't know are a realitive of the barrimundi, very similar looking, huge growth size...

Nile Perch are in Lake Tangy & Malawi. Why they haven't knocked off species of cichlids in these 2 Lakes is a bit of a mystery. Maybe it is because the cichlid species in the later 2 Lakes are more evolutionally advanced could be one reason.

Frenchy :D

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