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Silica Sand


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does silica sand affect the hardness of the water. i wanna use some in an amazon tank but wasnt realy sure what it consists of, can anyone answer that for me as well, :wink:

sorry not trying to steal your thread but it kinda the same as what i wanna know :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I have heard it is neutral however haven't used it in any of our tanks we have some pool filter sand in the community tank that that appears neutral there is someone on here who I know uses silica sand in their tanks but dont want to mention their name in case they mind but im sure he will post when he reads this..

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Silica sand is also used in pool filters / I guess my concern is if it will have a detrimental effect of fish or cause them health problems from being too fine, or takes too long to settle and clouds the tank, also from a cleaning it point of view it might be just small enough to go all the way up tank vacuum etc / its about the same as beach sand in gauge. Ryan do you have algae build up issues with your sand? and if so how do you deal with it?

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Its about the same grade as the argonite i have in my tanks maybe a little smaller, no problems with algae but there is about 20-30 bristlenoses and gba's in there so no algae can grow lol I only have it in one tank.. The stuff I have is a mix of darker colours the stuff I have seen is white..

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the local pool place here sells filter sand, is this silica sand? i had a good look at it and it is very large in grain size compared to the stuff on our local beach, its grains were like salt but bigger

they sell it for about $26 for 40kgs

also has anyone seen the stuff they sell at the red shed

daltons propogation sand? does anyone know if this has any added fertilsers or chemical? i tried to email daltons but their email addy is non existant

any comments? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Have nine left from twelve a couple have really taken off, so hopefully I’m getting it right.. Really looking forward to seeing them full size probably 10 or so months away yet I guess. Be really interested to see how you get along as well. Seems there is alot of interest in troupheus at the moment... sorry about getting off the subject. As for Silica sand yes it is the stuff at pool shops.

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