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any suggestions people????


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hi al

have just finished setting up a two foot tank and am just letting it cycle at the mo :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

i cant decide what im going to do with it yet, but was thinking about hving a go at breeding something.

Any suggestions anyone, :roll:

was considering some sort of livebearers but have already done that and want to have a go at something else but i have no idea what at this stage.

as it is only a small tank it will restict me in many ways but i have very limited space. :-? :-?

suggestions please :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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have you tried wcmm? they are really easy.

i used to have bare tanks ( heavily breeding guppies) but recently i am having a go at a planted tank. since dont want the fish eating or messing out the plants, wcmm is great choice. they lived and breed in there happily! and even with a 20L small tank :)

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cheers for suggestion

was at local lfs this morning getting some more tucker for my discus and was looking at these. do they breed best in tropical or cold as i know they can be kept in both and how many are recommended to be succesful.

im open to anything at mo but will explore all options

cheers :bow::bow::bow::bow:

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Rummy nose tetras is good idea! these tetras looks stunning in a planted tank. never bred them before, but having a go at breeding neon tetras some time ago, i must say this is not going to be easy, but can be done with lots of fry care and patient. :)

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im kinda swaying towards some cichlids as i love to see them and their parenting skilss, lol

rams maybe, iv always loved those little things

does anyone have any available as local lfs doesnt really stock much in the dwarf range.

although wcmm sound interesting as iv never had them before

decision decision, i hate decisions :o:o:o:o

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most of the rams around these days are weak little suckers due to inbreeding etc over on the farms they are mass produced on :( also most seem to have at least one parasite/disease from my experience :cry: i really love those little dudes but after losing 6- 4 to unexplainable illnesses- i have given up. thankfully a few people have got some seemingly healthy stock they are breeding so i would try to get some of them (if possible get males and females that arent brothers and sisters- see above for reason why lol) and give them a go- golds are high in demand (those are the 4 i lost) but they are weaker than the blues it seems. if you do decide to go with rams i would reccomend against getting balloons

if your wanting something a bit more hardy but still small look into the apistogramma species. the cockatoos are normally quite easy to find but are really stunning. they are a bit more agro than your rams though its best to breed them in harems (one male to 2-3 females).

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