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Marine newbie...Hello everyone


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Just though I'd introduce myself.... :D The name is Tash :D

I'm new to this reefkeeping stuff, Have recently (about 2 1/2 weeks ago) set up a 110l hexagonal tank. Started off thinking it was going to be FOWLR, and then saw a couple of tanks with corals in them and changed my mind completely (Thanks Wasp & Jetskisteve for ensuring all my spare time and income is sucked into the tank for the next god knows how long, My friends all think I've gone mad... 8) )

So far I have about 6 or so kgs of live rock, a via aqua powerhead and external canister filter, started with a double-tube aqua one lighthood (it had a pink and a white light in it but very low output). This didn't bother me at first as I didn't plan to keep corals(except for the couple of mushrooms attached to the rock) but Wasp then kindly donated some frags (pink monti, star polyps) which started looking a bit sad after a week.. Well the monti certainly did! :(

Since then Wasp has given some more frags (hydnophora, mushrooms, candy cane coral, and pulsing xenia), and came round to have a look at the tank. The lighting situation was pretty dire, so yesterday I grabbed a marine blue and white 15w actinic tube and replaced my ones with those, Hopefully this should spark the corals up a wee bit, as I can't really afford or concieveably fit a halide over the tank at the moment.

I also started thinking I could run it without a skimmer but as time has passed, I've realised that the skimmerless option is just not going to work! Have noticed some cyano bacteria has started taking over the previously pristine white aragonite sand and I'm told vodka dosing only works with a skimmer. :x Thankfully, my previously cynical partner has now become possibly more obsessive over the tank than me, so I'll be able to enlist his help in financing one!!!

My current dilemna however is how to fit one, tank being hexagonal and all, and with no sump to hide the thing in (If I had thought this thing through logically I would have had a tank custom made, but logic and I were never too close.. :D ) The only HOB one so far that will fit is a Jebo 180 (went into Hollywood's and they have a tank with pretty much the same dimensions as mine, so I could see it was going to work). But I don't really know anything about the things, this one is within my price range, and I'm thinking any skimmer must be better than none?But maybe it's crap :-? Anyone is welcome to share their thoughts here!!!

Wasp is a big advocate of the Deltec but I don't quite know if I have that type of money yet. (Keeping in mind that when my partner and I get our own place, we plan to set up a much larger custom-built reef tank and just keep this one as the quarantine, so will be upgrading in the future)

Hmmm.. what else.. Oh yes, we have our first gorgeous fish, a blue tang that we have named Midori, she seems to be content nibbling algae from the rocks and with the nori that I give her every couple of days :D She is very shy however and I have to keep explaining to visitors that she will hide if you come right up and stick your face on the glass!!

Anyhow this should be a long enough post to keep everyone occupied for some time, it's kept me occupied typing it at work for the last 1/2 hour!! I will post some pics as soon as I am able to (When my flatmate lends me her camera).

So stoked I found this site,what I have gathered from lurking in the forums so far has helped me heaps already :D Looking forward to heaps of fun and challenges in reefkeeping!!

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Welcome :D

what dimentions are the galss planes that the skimmer would be hanging on?

Sheesh... You caught me at work, away from the tank, at a guess I would have about 25cm to work with. If you can imagine what the top of a hex tank is like with the cut out at the back for wires etc this is what I would be putting the hang-on part in. There is also another panel across the lid that acts as a backstop to the glass lid, this is about an inch wide, but I could cut it out with a razor under the silicon to make room, so the size of the part the water flows out of wouldn't be an issue, just the width of the unit.

My god, I hope that makes sense, I can't think of any better way of putting it. I can hardly understand it myself. :oops:

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Hi, and welcome

Yay... another small tank person!

I have a 105l tank - I don't know if this size qualifies for a Nano.

Good idea getting the partner interested, these things suck money faster than a vacuum cleaner!

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One thought, if you will be upgrading, making whatever skimmer you get for this tank redundant, it will depend what time frame you are talking about, if it is not too long you may be able to skip getting a skimmer at all, and could run carbon & phosphate removing media in the cannister instead, although wouldn't recommend this longer term solely due to cost.

Wonder if anyone out there has a spare skimmer in the cupboard they could loan for a while?

Also, having seen Rollergirls tank I have to say it is a pretty tank nicely landscaped. Not much corals yet, looking forward to seeing how things go! :D

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Ditto on the upgrading. If it will be awhile, go for the Jebo skimmer. It is a good little skimmer, great for the price.

I would take the Blue Tang back. For a couple of reasons. 1 - a little delicate especially for a starter fish, 2 - not the right type of fish for a 110 litre tank. If feed well they can grow quickly.

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TASH, you are welcome to try a quality skimmer, Deltec mce500.

The cheap skimmers don’t cut it and long term getting a good skimmer will actually be cheaper in the long run as you won’t have to keep upgrading. also save 3 fish and the skimmer will pay for itself.

The hobby is not cheap so if getting a good skimmer is not affordable then it is better not to get into the hobby as it won’t get any cheaper and at the end of the day the life stock suffers from poor water quality . There is a big different from keeping livestock alive vs livestock that is thriving.

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(Keeping in mind that when my partner and I get our own place, we plan to set up a much larger custom-built reef tank and just keep this one as the quarantine, so will be upgrading in the future)

The hobby is not cheap so if getting a good skimmer is not affordable then it is better not to get into the hobby as it won’t get any cheaper and at the end of the day the life stock suffers from poor water quality . There is a big different from keeping livestock alive vs livestock that is thriving.

I agree with reef.

e.g. my son bought a boat and new motor and has spent heaps getting it just how he wants it, he is 28 and has seen the light and is going to sell it now to buy a house in July next year he has a fresh water tank that cost him nothing to run.

There was a young reefer on this site last year that loved his little tank that he sold in the end to buy his first home.

Now if you are anything like my son you won't take any notice of me, but my advice is keep it small just keep soft corals when you buy ask if it needs metal halides if so don't buy, keep your fish stock as low as possible borrow Jetskis hang on skimmer since it was offered and save save save for your house :D

There are so many hidden costs in reefing

Test kits for Magnesium, Calcium,Alkalinity,Phosphate,Nitrate, and in the beginning Nitrite and Ammonia. You will need the first five and Salifert Test Kits are the prefered.

Chemicals to correct the above tests

Have noticed some cyano bacteria has started taking over the previously pristine white aragonite sand

This is normal for a new tank it takes time!!

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good morning rollergirl

i am fairly similar to yourself, just a few months ahead, had similar thoughts etc...

I went out and got a 120l tank, etc.... set it up right, put in the clowns,then some torch corals etc.... but then my corals struggled like most new comers... so.

I have with now just set up a 300l tank, skimmer (big) and bright lights... with a sump.

My point being, no matter what your intentions are now, you will not be able to watch by the new "loved ones" suffering and will up grade. the cost of the additions like skimmer, lights are all the same if you go bigger is best, no matter what the size of your tank is.

So, if you are going to oneday up grade, then get skimmer for the intended tank, lights etc.... the reason it costs more for some is the inbetween stages, where they try to save money with middle of the road, and then discover they need to upgrade, all to stop the "lovelys" from looking poorly.

It is the fish that will put pressure on the tank, and a tang will grow quite large for that size tank, maybe a pair of clowns, almost better than watching TV, and I am sure I have lost weight just watching their never ending movement, even while they are sleeping!!

As for advice, those two you have met are an excellent source, I would like to advocate how your future in marines will be only made better by these friendships.... fairly warm fuzzy for a male, but it has ment alot to me to "just trust what they are saying". :bow:


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just keep soft corals when you buy ask if it needs metal halides if so don't buy

strongly disagree here :D

nothing wrong with M/H's. don't cost much more then flouro's. but you can keep all sorts of stuff plus it looks so much better!!!!!!!! it gives you a real reef feeling. and fay will agree with me too! :wink:

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Wow, thanks everyone...

Just got back to a computer after the weekend and have to take a bit of time to digest all of the replies!!

In regards to the skimmer I think I will try out the Weirpro that Steve is offering and see how that goes, and then make my decision from there. Our upgrade is as far away as our new place is, and like someone said if I spend all my house deposit money on kitting out the baby tank now, it's just going to make getting the big one further away. Once we have a house that type of stuff can be put on the mortgage anyway lol :D

I am rather lucky in that I can test for alkalinity, calcium hardness, ph, ammonia, total hardness, nitrate and phosphate at work on the photometer (just discovered this the other day and it is going to save me a bit of money!!) As I work in a spa and pool shop where water chemistry is also a big part of things (although in my case the point is to try and keep stuff alive, not kill it.....).

With regards to the blue tang I am now too attached to her to even contemplate giving her up. She is only 1 inch so there is some time to go before she outgrows the tank I hope...


Anyhow, thanks to everyone for all their replies, I will keep you posted on how everything is going in the tank and put soem pics up soon. :D

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