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What other cold-water fish can I have???


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Hi all.

Just set up a new aquarium and have decided to oust my goldies. (I'll find someone with a nice pond where they can grow bigger ). I have five and three are getting quite big and my tank is only 95 ltr. They are nearly all 'rescue' cases which I've saved over the past couple of years from the dreaded 'toilet flush ' or tiny little bowls which they couldn't turn around in. One has 'curled out gills' and one has a deformed mouth but they both appear to manage fine. I havn't the heart to put them down.

What other fish can I put in with three cute White Cloud Mountain Minnow? (there were five but my big orlanda crushed two of them. (He was in an amorous mood and chasing around the female goldie and the poor wee things got in the way. Rammed them against the wall and they died instantly).

I'll get some more Mountain Minnows as they are sooo funny to watch. Maybe some Zebra Danios I've heard they don't mind. Wanting to have just small fish and preferably in bunches - oh and how many could I get comfortably in a 95 ltr tank?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

By the way - my tank is not heated. OOOOh now theres a thought ... how much $ would it cost me to heat it ...... Oh man - I'm sooo hooked on fishies now .... might need therapy

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You sound like such a softie! Good on you for taking in those poor goldfish. They will love a pond, especially if they are comets.

I have kept leopard fish. These are small like mountain minnows but are livebearers. Some fry would survive with plenty of cover.

If you go tropical, it only takes a heater and for a tank that size it would cost very little (especially through the summer!).

Keep us updated whatever you decide to do.


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Zebra Danios will survive in cold water but they go very pale and look quite sickly :-? really not a good idea without a heater unless they're for feeding to other fish.

150W heater would do the job and they cost $25-$35, they're not on all the time, and it wouldn't add much to your power bill. If you kept the temp at 21-23C you'd be able to keep most tropicals like guppies, neons, danios etc while still keeping the mountain minnows. Also only heating to 21-23C costs very little as most of the time your cold tank will be around 18 anyway.

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Not as good as it looks I'm affraid. They are "non-submersible" which is the manufacturers way of saying "We sealed it, but it leaks". So they work, but they will (and do) build up water quickly inside which will likely cause premature failure unless you keep the top of the heater out of the water and a perfect water level :roll: just not worth the $5-10.

AquaOne and Masterpet heaters are "non-submerisble"

AquaClear, Jebo, Rena, Eclipse, Jager etc all good and fully submersible

I've had success with AquaClear, Jebo, and am trying my first Eclipse now. I still have Masterpet heaters in use but I'll never buy any again.

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U are all awesome. Thanks for your help.

WOK if I don't get the heater I'm gonna get me some of those paradise fish!

MCT - I heard about leopard fish but couldn't find a picture anywhere.

Yes I must confess I rescue anything with big sad eyes. I think Mrs Bojangles is fancy goldfish - can she go outside in a pond? She seems more temperamental than the others. Balkie and Trout I think are fantails, Punky Brewster is an Orlando and Sushi is a comet.

My fish all have names ... the other three WCMM are Mork, Mindy and Mo who incidently have suddenly become quite colourful in the new tank - must be because the lighting is better.

Vtec8u - I'm sorry but you're freaking me out .... u keep eels inside???? I'm terrified of them. And I'm afraid I'd have to eat those freshwater crays if they were in my tank :D

SPIDERSWEB - U rock! I'm convinced now to get the heater as I really like the look of danios, neons and some of those guppies are amazing. Yep - that'll do me. I had that one Kylemorrison suggested in my watchlist but thought this one will do me ...

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=73385725

Its a Jebo 200 watt - does that matter or should I stick to 150?

MRSkz - Haha - someone from the deep south. I'm from In'gill originally. Thanks for your offer but I'm hooked on trade-me and you would want to do me out of my weekly fix would you?

Cheers and thanks for your help. Off now to think of what I'm gonna tell hubby got a bigger fish tank to accomodate the growing goldfish ..... :oops:

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SPIDERSWEB - U rock! I'm convinced now to get the heater as I really like the look of danios, neons and some of those guppies are amazing. Yep - that'll do me. I had that one Kylemorrison suggested in my watchlist but thought this one will do me ...

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=73385725

Its a Jebo 200 watt - does that matter or should I stick to 150?

Looks good :) I've only got two Jebo heaters, but both are like new and it's been about 4-5 months now. $20.50+$5 postage is a good fair price, thats what I'd pay at my local store.

200 watts will be fine, they have a thermostat so they're only on when needed, so a 200W heater wont necessarily use more power than a 150W heater would per month :) it'll just be on less of the time.

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no, after the one crawled out of the tank one nite & i stood on it i only had one left, it lived for a few years but died when i lost all of my gold fish one week, something nastie in the water was my only guess. they have one in the lfs but they are not allowed to sell them but you are allow to go & catch them yourself, according to them.

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no, after the one crawled out of the tank one nite & i stood on it i only had one left, it lived for a few years but died when i lost all of my gold fish one week, something nastie in the water was my only guess. they have one in the lfs but they are not allowed to sell them but you are allow to go & catch them yourself, according to them.
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yeah i always thought you werent allowed to catch them, i was told off when i was younger by people that said white people weren't allowed to catch them, sad but ture & when i was given the ones i had for awhile i was told not to say where they came from, but if the lsf said its fine then who knows..........

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we got farm tons of them down here sometimes eat em too lol not to hard to keep if got more than one they tend to fight if have to many had few fights loss of limbs etc have to get some pics up

Would love to see pics. You may have a ready market, if you can ship :)

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