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My Axolotls


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hey guys, as requested here are some pics of my axies :)

Please excuse the brown algae, the tank is on the floor and only gets ambient light :oops: My male wildtype (Demetrious) is not in any pics as hes a grumpy fellow :roll:


Odin (albino male) with Lucian (leucistic, my only female)




Thanatos (golden male) and Cizin (leucistic male)

OH! just remembered i had a pic of an axolotl spermatophore from the first time Demetrious left them, they are basically little cones of jelly with a white tip (sperm). they feel really neat too (hey, i had to handle them to remove them!), like jelly fish :D this one is partially damaged due to handling and my camera isnt the greatest.


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thanks guys :)

my goldie, two leucies and wildtype are all around 20-25cm with the albino being around 16cm or so. fungus and his gills actually snapped off when he was netted :o thankfully the fridge and salt baths set him right.

fishboi- i think i might as i have never seen a melanoid (theyre pure black, velvety looking with no gold ring in their eyes), there are the colour varients of wildtype and leucies (olive green, greys etc) but i dont class them as 'strains' and i dont have any more room in that tank :cry:

TimTam- i think that too :lol: he has got very prominent dark markings on his face with the white lips unlike my female and i always joke to people about him. thats one of the things i like about leucistics, they have varying degrees of black on them and the pattens it makes can be really neat.

Mel- i hope your baby does wonderfully, they look neat when their gills go red around feeding time and they really brighten up a tank :)

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