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Severum - how hard?

Scuba Sam

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I have the option of taking on a Golden Severum. I have previously had livebearers, community fish, angels, and smaller cichlids - convicts and Kribs. I am just starting out again with tropicals, and hope you guys can tell me what I need to know to take on this beauty. How strict will I have to be with pH, etc. The tank that he comes with is 170 litres, so would seem to be big enough for him to grow. All advice welcome please!

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congrats on ya new fishie!

i agree, severums are a piece of cake to look after providing the fish is in good health. they are very placid fish (IME anyway) and its nice to have a large cichlid that doesnt think hes a brute. they dont care about water params as long as they are stable and not at extremes, your usual aquarium maintenence suffices. they are also very owner responsive

it depends on the footprint of the 170L, severums can easily get to 25cm and are average growers (IME). as long as the tank is at least 35cm wide you should be sweet.

feed your usual cichlid foods, large pellets, earthworms, frozen foods etc and he will be happy. they are slightly more messy than your smaller fish so make sure you have some decent filtration.

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Thanks for the advice so far. I go to see him tonight. And will see him eat as well. Now I just have to work out where I am putting the new tank if I go ahead - I laughed when I first came on here at MTS - this will be my third tank, and last year I had none!! So I am well and truly a victim, but loving it. Cheers guys, thanks

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